Dinner last night. Lunch today. Tom had 3 bowls last night! You make your own broth in a very short time, and it is well worth it. It is soooooo much better than the shop bought and you can control the sodium! I also cooked twice the amount of chicken, half for the deleted tonights dinner and proceeded to the recipe. You can add any seasonings you want your broth, but I like mine really simple. I hope you enjoy!
4 pieces of chicken, bones and skin
2 carrots, large axes
2 stalks of celery, large axe
6-7 sprigs fresh parsley
14 cups water
1 onion, quartered
4 carrots, cut into 2.5 cm pieces
2 cups of cauliflower bouquets
2 cups of fresh, rough kale stems removed and chopped
Place first 6 ingredients in a large soup pot. Porter bring to a boil, lower and simmer, covered, for 1 hour. Strain stock, reserving only the chicken. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the chicken from the skin and bones and shred with two forks. Return chicken to pot and add the cabbage and carrots. Simmer for 20 minutes, covered. Remove the cover, add the cauliflower and cook until the cauliflower is tender, about 10 minutes. Serve.
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