Turkey Stuffed Jalapenos
So, as long as you can handle a bit of heat, this Dukan Diet recipe will not disappoint. You’re basically making a meatball in a jalapeno! If you’re bold, leave the seeds in but there is plenty of heat left even after seeding. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!!

Turkey Stuffed Jalapenos
1/2 lb ground turkey
2 T fat free cottage cheese
2 T oat bran
1 egg white
1/4 cup fat free cheddar cheese, shredded
2 T red bell pepper, finely diced
salt and pepper
7-8 large jalapenos, slit down the middle and seeded
Mix the first 7 ingredients in a small bowl. Stuff peppers with the turkey mixture. Place on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake at 375 for 35-40 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes before serving, or serve at room temperature.

Turkey Stuffed Jalapenos

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