My friends Baghwant and Sahar were visiting me this weekend and it was a great weekend of feasting and learning about new foods and cooking techniques for me. Thanks Baghwant! One of the first things I learned about was this delicious cheese called Halloumi. From Cyprus, it’s a semi-hard, unripened brined cheese made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk, sometimes adding cow’s milk as well. It’s even better if you can find the “light” version! I know a lot of you don’t eat cheese on the Dukan Diet but I have to tell you I was completely successful eating it the first time, trying to find as low fat cheeses as possible, and I made my goat weight on time. When I add cheese to my recipes, aside from them being low fat, I make sure that the other ingredients and the protein are as low fat as they can be.
With that said, cheese is one of my choices to make this lifestyle work for me. You may find other things that you can’t live without. At any rate, for those who are eating cheese, these are fabulous!! You can fry and grill this cheese too. It’s wonderful with eggs as I had them on an omelette this weekend!
1 lb ground turkey breast
1 egg white
2 T oat bran
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
1 small serrano pepper, finely chopped
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
2 oz Halloumi cheese, small-cubed
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl using hands, careful not to handle too much. Form 15 large meatballs and cook at 400 for 20 minutes.
Here is where I'll update you with my progress and let you in on any tips, troubles or ideas I may have. Today I just want to say "Good luck" to all of you who are starting off on this journey. Don't call it a diet but a new way of life. We can all do it! Let me know how I can help! Select Category Diet Journeys (14) Janice’s Journey (9) Home (428) Meal Categories (527) Appetizers/Side Dishes (195) Breakfast (65) Desserts (38) Entrees (425) Lunch (135) Oat Bran Recipes (123) Protein Recipes (493) Beef (113) Chicken (168) Eggs/Dairy (181) Pork (72) Seafood (60) Turkey (115) Vegetable Protein (7) Vegetarian (4) Recipe Index (3) Tips (10) Tips (8) UK Diet Rules (1) Vegetable and Vegan Recipes (302) Whole Grain Recipes (19) Dana Sue FeldmanWelcome to my great friend's website. Dana has been writing for Reuters for the last few years and now is venturing out to write fictional literature. I wish her success and hope to be selling her book in this widget instead of introducing you all to her! Good luck Dana!! And Like her on Facebook!!var getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){if(document.getElementsByClassName){getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){c=c||document;var d=c.getElementsByClassName(a),e=b?new RegExp("\\b"+b+"\\b","i"):null,f=[],g;for(var h=0,i=d.length;hView the original article here
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