Saturday, January 21, 2012

2010 Christmas Party Preparation - Most Ladies Will Be Dieting Beforehand

Over half of U.K women diet down before the eventful Christmas party, only to put the weight lost back on after the Christmas party. According to research found by the website My Celebrity Fashion, pre-party dieting has become the new period of dieting, replacing the after Christmas dieting that use to be so popular.

Years ago, us women use to indulge throughout the Christmas period. After a few good old mince pies, we looked down at the behemoth of a bulge which was once known as our stomach and realized it was time to do something about it. Throughout January and February, we dieted, ran and spent as much time as possible in the gym. Now, it is found, after a study from My Celebrity Fashion, that you are more likely to find us ladies heading to the gym and dieting from September onwards, in order to fit into that dress for the Christmas period.

Long before the Christmas bulge appears, we are tackling our weight in order to maintain our normal healthy weight. It certainly may be a healthier way than the binge dieting that previously occurred after Christmas and definitely will make sure you will look good throughout the Christmas party season. However, remember the diet you choose will affect the success of weight loss as well as weight gain afterwards.

Popular U.K diets include the Atkins diet, the controversial diet that cuts down carbohydrates and ups the amount of protein and fat, enabling fast weight loss. However, when returning to a normal diet, weight gain can be quick. A second favourite is the ADD (alternate day diet), which theorizes that eating whatever you want on the first day and then limiting your calorie intake on the second day, leads to weight loss. A third popular diet is the Dukan diet that aims to lower your appetite by the intake of hard to break down proteins, which should stop your body craving food as much. This low calorie diet starts off with high protein foods and bans fat, then eventually varies out your diet to normal, so that you are only keeping to the diet once a week. The GI (Glycemic index) diet is probably one of the most popular diets currently, as it encourages you to eat food with low GI's, which will release energy over a long period of time, making you feel fuller, over high GI foods such as sugar which are released and converted into energy very quickly. It encourages you to eat foods that will give you energy over a long period of time, over the short bursts that sugary food often gives.

If you are choosing to diet down before Christmas, it is best you lead a healthy lifestyle with lots of fruit, vegetables, wholegrain and plenty of exercise all year round, over a quick binge diet lasting two weeks. This will help you maintain your weight when you have that little bit extra at Christmas, enabling you to look good at Christmas parties and at the New Year celebration!

If you interested in shared and exclusive Christmas parties for your office or corporation to attend in 2010, have a look at

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