We’re looking for your favorite recipe that you have made Dukan-friendly. Something not usually made as “diet-food” that you couldn’t live without, so you gave it a Dukan makeover. Share it with us on DukanItOut.com and you could win some fun makeover products of your own. Tell us what you did to change your favorite recipe and what you replaced with what. We’ll let the public vote to see what their top five recipes are, and then they will Duke It Out with a panel of judges to find the winner!
How to Enter: We have posted an entry form here DIO Contest Entry where you can electronically enter your favorite DUKAN-FRIENDLY Makeover Recipe. The recipe must follow US Dukan Diet Rules (sorry but I had to pick one since they differ!) and must follow the Attack or Cruise Phase guidelines. The recipe can either follow the Pure Protein (PP) OR Protein Vegetable (PV) guidelines. The dish can be an appetizer, entree, or dessert. One recipe entry per person. Important Dates: All entries need to be received by Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8pm pdt. All recipes will be posted at DukanItOut.com for you to select your top 5 recipes. Voting will close on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 8pm pdt. I will then prepare each of the top 5 recipes for a panel of judges the weekend of February 3, 2012. each recipe getting it’s own post. On Sunday, February 5, 2012 8pm pdt. one Grand Prize winner will be announced after the cookoff, and the recipe posted on Monday February 6, 2012. The recipes for the runners-up will be posted each day after.
*Prize Eligibility: Sweepstakes (in this case, *Prize) open to all U.S. citizens legally residing in the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia AND Canada. Sweepstakes subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
Contest Eligibility: ALL residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia AND Canada, can enter and win the contest. Anyone living outside this area MAY enter the contest and WIN but are NOT eligible to receive the prize. In the case of someone winning outside this area, the next eligible person will win the *Prize.
*Prize: A selection of beauty Makeover products.
Sponsor: This contest is completely sponsored by DukanItOut.com and in no way affiliated with The Dukan Diet or Dr. Dukan (except the fact that we are huge fans of them!).
Hope you all take the time to enter!!
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