Friday, January 20, 2012

Weight Loss Diets That You Can Choose

Here are some diets that are out there that you could try out.

The Alternate Day Diet

This involves eating whatever you want for one day and then limiting yourself to 500 calories the next day, so ever other day you are eating what you want and therefore only half the effort required to keep at this diet, as opposed to other diets, is needed. However, think of it this way, once you get used to this diet, if you were to put in the effort on your off days and be a bit more healthy then you'd get even better results.

The Dukan Diet

Pierre Dukan developed this diet and it has become very popular in France. No calorie counting happens, you eat fat free foods for the first phase and then bring back the other food groups during the next stage when, at the final stage of keep an eye on what you eat one day a week and eat protein only foods.

This diet is meant to help you keep your weight steady.

The GI Diet

The GI, or Glycemic Index, Diet involves working out how quickly the body gets the glucose out of food that is consumed. Foods that have a glycemic index that is high take longer to break down than those of foods that the glycemic index is low. Therefore the theory is that if you eat foods that take longer to break down then you will feel fuller for longer and thus you won't want to eat more than if you'd had foods that the body processed quickly and made you feel hungry again.

Vegetarian Diet

These diets are diets that have only foods that come from plants in them. There are arguments that, by not eating meat, there are certain nutrients that vegetarians cannot get into their body that a meat eater would, but for a lot of these particular nutrients, there are actually suitable substitutes found inside plant food. For example, spinach can provide iron, milk and eggs for certain vitamins and calcium from milk.

The Food Combining Diet

If we eat certain foods together, the body finds them difficult to digest when combined. While it may be awkward to follow this diet so that certain foods are not eaten together, on the plus side, it means that one if not limited to what food one can consume whilst on the diet.

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