Monday, January 16, 2012

Advantages of the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet was developed by Pierre Dukan France. It is a diet with a focus on go back to the roots to eat the primitive cavemen kind: meat and vegetables. Especially meat, is the focus of this diet as a protein.

The Dukan diet consists of four phases: the attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. This diet is to a lifelong adventure, and it is easier in the course of time. Because they eat only meat and vegetables, you avoid processed foods - which can be very fattening. This is the main purpose of this diet.

Phase one may seem hard, but the benefits are quick to see. During the attack phase, you can eat only proteins. Meat, fish, eggs include, etc.. Usually this stage lasts about ten days and is where most of the weight is lost.

After the first attack of the cruise phase. Every other day can you eat vegetables, as well as. This means still you mainly on protein, but you're getting the vitamins from vegetables - it helps with weight control.

The consolidation phase is crucial to the diet. It allows you to eat what you want, but keep in mind - it must be healthy. When you keep your weight way on unprocessed foods and make you feel healthier. In addition, you may two scramble meals per week, where you can eat what you want at this stage.

The last phase of melodies is the focus on protein and is the longest duration phase of all - the rest of your life. It requires that you one day, a week that you eat only protein, the rest of the days you healthy meals easy food from other foods (which even proteins of course can contain). The Dukan diet requires no pills, and really no long, hard, dramatic change of normal eating habits. The strongest phases not very long, and it requires you not rob them up - you can eat so you want to concentrate as long as much as you on protein. The Dukan diet is a reach back to the simple times where food was only real and all healthy.

For more interesting & useful information on this topic go you find at

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