Friday, January 20, 2012

The Dukan diet plan health and menu - overview

What is the Dukan diet?

The Dukan diet plan is a healthy weight loss program sustainable weight loss through natural protein consumption consisting of four phases. The program has been compiled and tested by the French physician Pierre Dukan, and achieved a huge amount of success in Europe. Its popularity is now more a field and if other weight loss programs you before have failed, it may well worth this give a try.

How does it work?

The nutrition guides you through the following four phases:

1. Attack

Launched the pure natural proteins to your weight loss within a week

2. Weight loss

By participating in alternative proteins, you reach your goal weight

3. Stabilize

Instead, all variations of food

4. Cruise

On a few basic rules keep and maintain a constant weight for an indefinite period

What is the concept?

The Dukan diet weight loss plan is based on the SME Portal concept. The name derives from the switch between pure proteins and protein alternatives (proteins and vegetables).

The SME Portal concept is easy to follow, as it is well defined and supported by a simple set of rules. The concept is completely natural and proves to be very effective. He imposed no restrictions on the amount of the recording and therefore requires no food weigh or measure of calories.

What makes it to be successful?


The fast first weight loss during the attack phase provides the motivation to follow. It is important to weight regularly ({at least once per day}, your awareness of what keep you aim to reach every day.)


Although it appeared that the Dukan superior delivers diet plan, it can produce results if you do not respect the rules.


It is set in advance important fixed objectives and disciplined enough to recognize when you stop (i.e.) (Reach your weight goal).


Menu Dukan diet is based on natural proteins. Technically, apart from protein, there is no natural pure protein diet. You must select therefore a combination of foods that are pure proteins together, as close as possible to the prescribed. This includes some types of meat, fish, seafood, poultry and fat-free dairy products.


The attack and the weight-loss phase based on warm. You can anytime of the day, any combination of prescribed foods without food. This does wonders for the control of hunger and fought against demand.


Affordability is one of the main problems relating to natural proteins. Fresh good quality beef, fish and sea food can be expensive. Poultry and eggs are much more affordable, but variation is important to avoid monotony. A viable alternative is dairy fat and sugar free, to complement your protein-based menu.

Side effects

To possible side effects induced by which to avoid excessive intake of proteins, it is important that consume vast amounts of fresh water (at least 2 litres per day). How the body not fully Digest, proteins is important to dispose of the surplus above the kidneys by additional water absorption.

How do you catch now?

If the Dukan diet plan a program that you want to try and commit sounds, I would suggest that you visit , where further information and guidelines, as you go about your weight loss goals to achieve to find.

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