Dukan diet is one of the fastest growing new diets. With so many people in a hurry to get started and experience to quickly lose weight and low hunger program, it is possible that only a few mistakes in an effort to lose weight. In this article, I looked at the five most commonly used diet Dukan errors.
1. Not enough food and feeling hungry
People used to hunger and calorific counting diets are difficult to get used to the idea that they can eat as much as they want on the Dukan diet. The whole time the misconception is that in order to lose weight must feel hungry. Therefore, some people a new diet Dukan unconsciously will reduce their portion sizes defend themselves feel satisfied and feel that they are on a diet (weight loss). There is no need to be hungry constantly loses weight! Dukan diet is low hunger diet, you shouldn't feel hungry while on this weight loss program. If hungry, then eat something (if it's on the list of allowed foods!)
2. do not have enough variety in your diet
When you first start the Dukan diet may have to repeatedly refer to cook Dukan. It's natural to want to check what kind of foods are allowed and what is not allowed. It may take a week or two to have the list memorized, so that the Dukan diet friendly to put together meals become second nature. For some people, it's easier to stay with what they know, as soon as they find the food slowly, eating, then keep this meal, it is safe and easy. The disadvantage of this plan is that the fancy fast repetitive and boring. The once pleasant and impatiently awaited the food solution becomes the dreaded job. So to avoid becoming sick of the sight of Turkey kebabs in the tikka and mint sauce (for example), make sure that it will take to experiment and expand your Dukan diet menu.
3. Constantly stepping on the scales
Weight loss on the Dukan diet attack phase, in particular, can be very fast. Dieters get motivating buzz on the scales to see that the pounds fall. However, the weight can fluctuate throughout the day. Weight may prove exciting to the loss of a few pounds in the night, but show you actually gained a pound in the afternoon! One day I could see the weight loss and other show weight gain. It's unnecessarily upsetting.
You must also factor in the fact that most of the domestic scales are not very accurate machines. Move the weight slightly to the left or right and you may find different results when you step on them.
Should be done weighing more than once per week. Once a month would be better in my opinion. Weight loss should always be thought of in terms of at least a week after week, month after month, if possible. Which brings me to the next error.
4. Raising too many of the occasional slips
It's very easy on your diet and eat something, you're absolutely right. Anyone can offer you a cookie, and without thinking, you eat it before you realize what you're doing. Find yourself in a situation in which the refusing food or drinks would be inappropriate and rude. On the Dukan diet, there are also small accidental slips that fat is with full of milk in my coffee by accident or eat fattier piece of meat that even if you were. I remember when I was first on Dukan, I accidentally picked up a package of roast pork slices rather than Roast Turkey. In a few minutes I destroyed, until I was able to get things to share!
One little slip while you're on the Dukan diet. Imagine that you have a couple of glasses of wine a day. Shame, shame, the wine is not allowed on Dukan. But too much of this worksheet would be madness. Let's just say that calories for wine is 280 kcal. That's 280 kcal, which you certainly should not. But instead of thinking as 280 considered kcal, moreover, for this day as an extra in a week. This means that this slip resulted in you consume 40 kcal per day for the next month.
So spend time worry about drinking a glass of wine and he felt bad, rather than the combustion of these additional 40 kcal each day of the month. It won't be too hard! Drink a liter of ice water will burn from about it too (you don't have to drink it all at once!) due to the fact that your body will burn calories simply raising the temperature of the water.
5. I think that the Dukan diet works magic
It is not hard to understand why the judge that many people think of the Dukan diet works magic. It seems that the lack of hunger and lose weight fast so different to all the other diets which combination of food must seem like its working magic. Some people speak of a diet as their stomachs are cauldrons and foods they eat from the magic weight loss potion ingredients. They think that if they get something wrong, eating too much or this or too few, or bad to eat or drink the wrong drink, and then the spell will be broken and the weight loss stops!
Of course, this is not the case. There is nothing magic about so that the Dukan diet works. Is all what's going on, what happens with all the diets that work. Diet, simply burn more calories than they consume and the weight loss occurs when their bodies by using stored fat for energy. Great thing about Dukan diet, why do so many people singing its praises, is that the whole process is much easier and faster than my experience with other diets. Protein and low-carbohydrate menu Dukan means that people naturally consume fewer calories simply because they feel satisfied faster and I'm not hungry or taste of food for a longer period of time. If the document or eat bad food, then on this day you will be ate more calories, nothing would be destroyed or returned, if you go right back into the weight loss will continue as before.
Run now change. Right from the beginning the attack phase until the end of the procedure, you can monitor my on the Dukan diet. I'm in the best of their experience of the Dukan diet included all of my recipes and menu ideas as well as the best tips. If you are ready to lose weight quickly without hunger, click the Dukan diet to start your journey.
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