Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is It Possible To Enjoy The Dukan Diet Attack Phase?

Is it possible to enjoy the Attack Phase of the Dukan diet? I think that it is. If you haven't tried the Dukan diet for yourself then I can understand you being skeptical. In fact, I would not blame you for expecting every phase of the Dukan diet to be, while not desperately unpleasant, something you would not exactly enjoy. For most people, diets and especially the first few days of the diet are pretty unpleasant. The Attack Phase of the Dukan diet takes place during the first few days (you only do this phase once and never lasts more than a week) and so should be the hardest phase. It is called the 'attack' and not the 'relaxing preamble phase' after all!

Before looking more closely at the Attack Phase, I want to take a look at diets in general. People have a tendency to sum up large and complex events into one single experience. The less verbose among us manage to sum things up, no matter how eventful, in a single word or two.

How were the holidays? Good.

What was Francine's wedding like? Fabulous.

How was school today? Rubbish.

What was the journey like? A nightmare!

Of course, if we're asked to expand on the subject we can if we're willing. And, most of us can break things down and accept that some aspects of the day or event were better than others. When what we're doing is warmly anticipated or if we enjoyed the event then we tend to forget or gloss over the bad things and vice-versa. As time goes by, most of us slowly forget the bad and remember events, unless especially tragic or traumatic, as positive experiences. What has this got to do with the Dukan diet and the Attack phase, you may wonder.

Well, when we choose to go on diets (no matter what kind of diet it is, simple calorie counting, the Dukan diet, joining a Weight-Watchers club, the Atkins or only drinking hot water and molasses and cayenne pepper) we have mixed feelings. There is some relief that we're finally doing something about losing the weight we've been worrying about. There is excitement at the thought of losing weight. But there is also fear that the diet plan may not work and all our efforts will be for nothing. Or that we will not be able to stick it out until the end. Finally, there is dread or even sadness, at the thought of not being able to enjoy the foods, treats and snacks we're used to eating and comforting ourselves with.

Most people will take these separate emotions (relief, excitement, fear, dread and sadness) and decide whether or not they are looking forward (or not) to being on their diet and what this experience will be like.

However, diets are complex events. Rather than always remaining one single experience, things are constantly changing. The first few days of a diet are not same as being the fourth or fifth week in. The experience of month one on a diet is not the same as what being on the diet in month three is like. As you progress with your diet, you change.

If I were to ask you how you'd feel if you lost half the weight you needed to what would you say? Suppose you need to lose 30lbs, would you feel any different if you were 15lbs lighter? I think most people would. So if it takes twelve weeks to lose 30lbs, after six weeks you will have lost half the weight. That means that after just over a month you will be feeling different.

What this means is that you can't plan to go on the Dukan diet, work out that it will take you 12 weeks to lose the weight and think: I'm going to spend 12 weeks feeling like... This is because as the weeks go by how you feel, your experiences of the diet, will necessarily change.

What about some of the other emotions. Take relief, for example, you will feel this from day one. You've been worrying about being over weight and wanting to lose some pounds but never got around to it. Each meal, every snack or treat has been accompanied with a sense of guilt that you ought not be eating this.

However, with most diets, this pleasant feeling of relief doesn't last long. This is simply because the sensation of relief is replaced with feeling hungry all the time and craving your old meals, treats and snacks.

The Dukan diet is a low hunger diet. Not only do you feel less hungry than you do on other diets (simply because high-protein diets are more filling) but you actually crave other foods much less often. People say that one of the biggest surprises that they have whilst on the Attack phase (and all the other phases of the Dukan diet) is that they don't feel hungry or really want to eat sugary or fatty foods.

This means that the pleasant feeling of relief that you are finally doing something about your weight, lasts a lot longer.

The other emotions that you feel when on a diet include excitement over losing weight and fear that you may not or can't stick to the plan. The Dukan diet is a fast weight loss diet. In fact during the Attack phase most people lose a lot of weight. This phase only lasts three or four days but this is usually enough for weight loss to be noticeable.

After two weeks of the Dukan diet, by this time you are into the Cruise Phase, you will discover your clothes feeling loser and will probably start receiving positive comments on your weight loss. What great motivation for carrying on going with it!

This means that if you plan on starting the Dukan diet tomorrow, then the next few days, during your Attack Phase, you can expect to feel relief and excitement that you're doing something that works. Of course, all diets are a stressful time. Don't expect it to be all plain-sailing. But expect it to be interesting and possibly even fun.

You can look ahead to 4 weeks from now. After this time most people are noticeably thinner. Clothes are more comfortable and they're hearing positive remarks about their weight loss.

As you progress through the Dukan diet, you pass through different phases. With every new phase, more and more foods are included and your menu becomes more and more varied. On the third phase you are even including Celebration Meals in which you are allowed to eat any foods you like!

The Dukan diet is one of changes. Not only does the diet itself change over time but so does your body and expectations. Due to the lack of hunger and food cravings coupled with the fast weight loss, the diet is high on motivation. This means that the more positive aspects of a weight loss program are emphasized. These positive aspects include: relief that you're finally doing something about your weight and relief that you have found a diet solution that works; excitement that you are losing the pounds and anticipation over finally being the size and shape you want to be.

Knowing and experiencing this, while only in the first few days of the Dukan diet, means that, yes, it is possible to enjoy the Attack Phase.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

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