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Hier, c'était génial. Ma copine de lycée de Seattle, est descendu à Palm Springs avec quelques copines de célébrer son 50e anniversaire et je dois passer du temps avec elle!! Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir ! Et peut-être à sa grande surprise, je l'ai gardé tous les Dukan amical. Sauf pour un seul ingrédient, toutes les recettes sont des recettes de régime Dukan appropriées qui n'importe qui peut préparer pour un parti, ils veulent jeter (puits et le gâteau d'anniversaire, bien sûr!). Jeanette joyeux anniversaire!! C'était super de vous rencontrer, Liz et Joanne – j'espère que tu reviendras bientôt!! Et bien sûr, s'il vous plaît tous consultez boutique etsy par Jeanette – je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne savais pas qu'elle avait sa propre boutique vendant des charmes de la belle mer de la côte nord-ouest du Pacifique – Go Hawks – plage cabine joyaux!!
Check out est du bracelet, qu'elle m'a donné comme c'est mignon !
Nous a pris une croisière en bateau et jouissait d'une très belle journée avec quelques amuse-gueules d'amical grands Dukan. Nous avions farcis de champignons, piments jalapenos farcis et boulettes de viande pizza. Sauf pour les olives dans les boulettes de viande, ceux-ci étaient parfaitement amicales et quelque chose que j'avais fait de 10:00 du matin, laissant suffisamment de temps pour profiter du reste de l'après-midi avant les filles est venu pour l'happy hour bateau de croisière.
12 moyennes portabello champignons, tiges enlevés et haché finement
1/2 oignon doux, haché finement
1 courgette moyenne, haché finement
1/4 tasse de fromage Parmesan, râpé
Faire revenir les tiges aux champignons, les oignons et les courgettes dans une petite casserole. Laisser refroidir et incorporer le fromage. Farcir les centres de champignons et cuire au four à 400 pendant 20 minutes.
5 piments jalapeño, coupés en deux et épépinées
3 Turquie italien saucisses (j'ai utilisé épicé!), Carter enlevé et doré et bien drainé
1/2 paquet de graisse gratuit fromage à la crème
1/s tasse graisse Cheddar libre, râpé
Les poivrons, mélanger le saucisson, le fromage à la crème et le fromage ensemble dans un bol et d'autres choses. Cuire à 400 pendant 20 minutes.
dinde hachée 1 lb
1 saucisse de dinde épicé italien, Carter enlevé
1 oeuf
1/3 tasse graisse du fromage cottage gratuit
Son d'avoine 2 T (j'utilise sans gluten)
1 petite boîte de tranches d'olives
pepperoni de Turquie 20 tranches, haché
1/2 petit oignon sucré, haché
flocons de piment rouge 1/2 t
1/2 tasse graisse libre de Cheddar, râpé
1/4 tasse de fromage Parmesan, râpé
Mélanger tous les ingrédients à la main, attention à ne pas manipuler trop. Faire 15 grandes boulettes de viande et cuire au four à 400 pendant 20 minutes.
Voila, toutes les apps pour cuire à la même température, même temps. Super facile, rendre le matin et les faire cuire dès que vos invités arrivent. Super simple et les mains libres pour profiter de temps avec vos amis!!
Price: $11.54
Price: $26.00
My friends Baghwant and Sahar were visiting me this weekend and it was a great weekend of feasting and learning about new foods and cooking techniques for me. Thanks Baghwant! One of the first things I learned about was this delicious cheese called Halloumi. From Cyprus, it’s a semi-hard, unripened brined cheese made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk, sometimes adding cow’s milk as well. It’s even better if you can find the “light” version! I know a lot of you don’t eat cheese on the Dukan Diet but I have to tell you I was completely successful eating it the first time, trying to find as low fat cheeses as possible, and I made my goat weight on time. When I add cheese to my recipes, aside from them being low fat, I make sure that the other ingredients and the protein are as low fat as they can be.
With that said, cheese is one of my choices to make this lifestyle work for me. You may find other things that you can’t live without. At any rate, for those who are eating cheese, these are fabulous!! You can fry and grill this cheese too. It’s wonderful with eggs as I had them on an omelette this weekend!
1 lb ground turkey breast
1 egg white
2 T oat bran
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
1 small serrano pepper, finely chopped
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
2 oz Halloumi cheese, small-cubed
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl using hands, careful not to handle too much. Form 15 large meatballs and cook at 400 for 20 minutes.
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So, not exactly a Dukan Diet recipe but I wanted you all to know that I’m just like the rest of the world and don’t like cooking EVERY night. Although I like cooking a lot! Tonight I stopped by Smart&Final, a discount market we have all over Los Angeles. They have these fabulous lowfat hotdogs (albeit loaded with stuff I’m sure my body doesn’t think is all that fabulous) from HOFFY that are endorsed by The Hungry Girl, who also happens to be located here in LA. She posts lots of cool lowfat recipes and tips for dieting and keeping trim. Not exactly what I consider “healthy” stuff but lower in fat and calories.
At any rate, these hot dogs are really good and I really wanted one last night so I went for it. With only 4 grams of fat and 90 calories per hot dog, ok, I had two, I didn’t feel so guilty. They’re also gluten-free and no MSG–although I’m not saying in any means are they a perfect food. They have a pretty high sodium count and they have nitrites (not a good ingredient in any of our food). Once I boiled them, yes, I like boiled hot dogs, I cut it down the middle and filled it with onions and mustard and ate it like a hot dog! It was awesome. Hope you can find them in your neighborhood. They’re gonna be great this summer on the grill–in moderation, of course.
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I’m at my place in the desert this weekend and what better to do than barbecue! This was simple and delicious…I hope you all have as great a weekend as I’m having!! Now get in that kitchen and whip up a Dukan Diet recipe or two!!
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup maple syrup (sugar free for those of you early phaser Dukaners)
4 salmon fillets, with skin
Lemon wedges, for serving
Combine the soy and maple. Reserve a little less than half, to reduce down for a glaze to serve with. Pour the rest of the sauce in a glass dish and place the salmon, skin side up, over the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for about 20-30 minutes or until you have the rest of the meal ready to grill. Salt and pepper the salmon and sear the it over a very hot grill, for one minute, skin side up. Then flip and sear the skin side for about 3 minutes. Move the salmon off the direct heat and cook until desired doneness, 1-2 minutes for medium, 3-5 for well done. While you grill the salmon, add 2 more tablespoons of maple syrup to the reserved marinade and pour it all into a small saucepan. Reduce the sauce over medium heat until thickened, about 3-5 minutes. Serve salmon with a bit of glaze drizzled over it.
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Brunch Sunday before my Seattle Seahawks earned their way to the Super Bowl. Oops, I mean The Big Game!! I think I’m still in shock quite frankly. But to get ready for the game, I had a healthy Dukan Diet recipe breakfast! Hope everyone had as great of a weekend as I did.
2 whole eggs
3 egg whites
1 turkey sausage
1/2 small onion, sliced
Brown the sausage and onion in a non-stick skillet. Add eggs and voila. It’s that simple.
The recipe for the Stuffed Jalapenos can be found here. Hope you enjoy.
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