Friday, March 2, 2012

The Dukan Diet Fad

The Dukan Diet is considered to be a fad diet according to many reviews. However, it has been widely accepted in Western Europe.

A French nutritionist Pierre Dukan invented the diet method about 10 years ago to help obese people. The diet regimen is very similar to the Atkins diet. In fact, according to CNN, Atkins management is claiming infringement on their long standing method of low-carb dieting. I'm not sure how this is possible, but it makes for good copy.

In his best selling book it is claimed that 5 million French people have lost weight using the Dukan method. However, there is opposition from some in the French scientific community who are publicly opposed to the Dukan method claiming it is a health hazard and could lead to serious nutritional imbalances. The diet is very restrictive as to what you can eat during several of its phases. The main concern by opponents is the lack of fiber and vitamin C in the diet.

I have tried low carbohydrate and high protein diets in the past. The Dukan diet appears to be a bit more restrictive than similar methods. From my experience there is no question that you will lose weight on this diet. That is providing you follow the method without any modification or deviation. You will lose several pounds in the first two weeks but this first phase can be a real test as your body adjusts to the dramatic nutrition change. This is the phase where many people fail because of hunger pangs which can be very strong especially if you are leaving a regular diet of high carbohydrates.

I, like most people, made it through the first phase by sheer determination based on the weight I initially lost. The tipping point for me and many of my friends who joined me on a diet was in the final phase when you attempt to maintain your target weight. There are always times of temptation to revert back to former eating habits. Whether it comes from a time of stress, emotional weakness or inexplicable desires from your body the opportunity to surrender to temptation can be very strong.

Dieting to lose weight will always be a goal for a large portion of the population. Success will be determined by finding a diet and exercise plan that appeals to your particular needs and staying with it long term. Almost anyone can lose weight in a short amount of time. The goal should be to achieve a healthy weight long term.

As good as low-carb diets may be, many prefer a more flexible long term weight loss plan. Visit my website for more information on the Dukan Diet.

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