Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dukan Diet - It Has Worked For Millions - Here Is Why It Could Work For You

The Dukan diet originated in France and was the result of some great ideas from the French doctor Pierre Dukan. This diet has now been used successfully by millions of people to successfully lose weight and just as importantly because of the nature of the diet, to keep it off. In his diet Dr Dukan has four phases the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase and the stabilization phase.


All phases are important, but the attack phase is probably the most important. With most diets you are given a list of foods that you need to stick to, but one of the nice things about this diet is that you can choose the food you eat as long as it contains proteins in the form of meats with a low fat content. Good examples are chicken, fish such as tuna and lean beef. You can also eat dairy products such as cottage cheese, egg whites and milk as long as it is skimmed. The attack phase is most important because you will lose most weight during this phase and as you lose weight, usually within the first few days, you will find that this is a great encouragement to you and will encourage you to continue.

Fast Weight Loss

If you have tried diets before you will know how great it is when you succeed with fast weight loss within the first week.It is quite exciting to feel that you have control over your weight at last. If the first few days are successful, you will want to want to get that feeling of satisfaction again and try and lose some more the next week. It cannot be stressed enough how important motivation is to you when you are on your diet, that is why when you try this diet you will love it so much. During the attack phase you eat just proteins, no vegetables or desserts and just drink water. Proteins are quite filling so you will not feel hungry as you do with most diets.

I think this diet will help most people to lose weight because it does not leave you feeling hungry and you are encouraged by the rapid weight loss. The Cruise phase will allow you to eat vegetables on alternate days. So you eat just protein one day then protein and vegetables the next day. This is also a phase where you lose weight, but a little more slowly, however you stay in this phase until you have achieved your desired weight. The consolidation phase allows you to add foods in, according to the Dukan Diet. The stabilization phase allows you to eat what you want for six days a week as long as you do not go crazy and add too many fattening foods. The on the seventh day you go back to the attack phase and eat just food with protein again. If you have tried other diets without much success I think you could be surprised at how successful you could be with this.

If you still have any doubts about this diet it is a good idea to find out what other people`s experiences have been by visiting the Dukan diet forums.

To see some of the best Dukan diet forums and blogs please visit:

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