Dr. Pierre Dukan understood the changing needs of the individual when he created his diet. He also took into consideration the desperate importance of not putting the lost weight straight back on again after the diet is over. It is this aspect of the Dukan diet that makes it unique. It is the only diet solution that incorporates the post-diet menu and eating into the overall weight loss experience.
Key to the diet is the psychology of the dieter. Motivation to stick it out, to keep on losing weight without losing heart and to keep the weight off once lost is what this plan is all about. The Dukan diet comes in four stages. During the first stage the dieter quickly loses some weight and develops a new attitude to food. Due to the high protein content of the menu, hunger is almost not existent and food cravings are minimal. Feeling hungry all the time and being desperate to eat familiar but fatty snacks is the pitfall most unsuccessful dieters all too often fall into. This desperation is all but eliminated on the Dukan diet. Over the next stage of the diet new foods are added, retuning the dieter to the tastes and flavors of healthy foods such as green, leafy vegetables. Rather than something to be avoided or forced down in the name of 'eating something healthy' vegetables become a food looked forward to and relished The third stage is all about slowly freeing the dieter from the diet restrictions and introducing treats, and celebration foods back into their menu. Finally, the last stage of the diet is all about living the rest of life eating healthily, avoiding weight gain and enjoying food.
The advantages of the Dukan diet are many. There is the fast initial weight loss. It is much easier to tell people you are on a diet when you don't have to tell them at all! Friends and family who can see the weight you've lost will be much less likely to pressure you in to eating if they can see the progress you've already made. There is the lack of hunger and food cravings. It is much easier to stick to a diet when you are not constantly hungry and thinking about food. The third phase of the diet allows to you introduces sweets and treats without putting all the weight back on. What other diet plans take not putting the weight back on when the diet is over into consideration? None, they all leave you on your own once you've finished them. The Dukan diet does not. Finally, this diet factors in celebration meals when you can eat exactly what you want and not put the weight back on. On what other diet can you have a meal in the restaurant, eat whatever you like, and still be sticking to your diet?
Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.
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