Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Is The Dukan Diet Attack Phase Good News?

The Attack phase of the Dukan diet is as difficult as you want it be. Which means of course that if you don't want it to be difficult you can make life easy on yourself. For most people used to calorie counting diets, starving yourself and feeling miserable for weeks in order to shed those excess pounds, the idea that diets must be hard, is firmly entrenched in their psyche. And since the Attack phase is the toughest stage of the Dukan diet, it is little wonder that people suspect it to be a Hell week (or Hell couple of days, depending on how long their particular attack phase will be).

Now, yes, of course you can't expect an easy few days. Things are going to be different. After all, you can't just plop down on the couch when you get home, turn on the TV and order a pizza. Nor, can you have some delicious treat (like a huge chocolate fudge cake) waiting patiently for you to ravish it when you get home. And, you can't just get home and throw together a meal out of anything you happen to have in the fridge.

The Attack phase requires planning and forethought. You need to have a kitchen stocked with Dukan-diet friendly ingredients. If you don't plan in advance you may end up having to make a midnight run to an 24hr Tescos or go to bed hungry.

And during these first few days of the Dukan diet you aren't really going to have any 'treats'. Well, you're going to have to learn to treat yourself with some new foods and fancies.

It's not going to be plain-sailing but you do not have to suffer by any means. Life does become a little bit more of an effort if you are used to eating whatever you fancy and buying it at the last minute. However, you don't need to plan ahead any more than a couple of days and one trip to the supermarket will do it. When I first started the Dukan diet, I went from going to the supermarket every single day on my way home to going two or three times a week. Not having to worry about buying dinner made up for the couple times I did have to go shopping for food.

Don't be tempted to devise one daily Dukan diet menu and just stick to that every day of the Attack phase. If your Attack is only two days long then you might get away with it but if you are planning on four or five days you will soon tire and then get sick of those same old foods.

It's true that this phase is the most restrictive but that does not mean that you can not have variety in your menu during this time. There are so many combination's of ingredients that you can eat something different for every meal of your Attack phase. The secret to making life as easy as possible is to never get bored. Constantly stimulate your body and your mind by eating as many different and new flavours as possible. And coming up with exciting new recipes.

You see, you can make life hard on yourself during the Attack phase or you can make life easier and try to enjoy yourself. By keeping things varied and by planning ahead you can ensure than during these first few days you never get bored and losing the weight becomes an exciting new part of your life.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

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