Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here's the Deal: Eating Too Many Carbohydrates in One Go, WILL Make You Fat

Why Do I Have To Reduce The Amount Of Carbs I Eat?

Here's the deal: Eating too many carbohydrates in one go, WILL make you fat.


Ok, not by much... or not by so much that you'd notice. It'll make you fatter by maybe 10-20g if you didn't go mad. If you've just eaten a whole packet of biscuits, three packets of Rolos, had a hot chocolate and a whole family bag of Doritos, then yes, you're going to SEE a difference.

10-20g may not seem a lot, but if you're carbs are out of control, that could be 20g every meal and snack... soon becoming extra pounds and even whole stones in weight that just seemed to 'creep' on.

I'll explain myself in just a moment. First though, just as quick aside, I don't think carbs are bad or evil. I actually believe you cannot have a healthy diet without them. So I'm not recommending a 'carb-free' existence, oh no.

All I'm saying is... CURB YOUR CARBS!

Time for the science bit!

When you eat carbohydrates, they get broken down in your gut into sugar. This sugar then passes into your blood so that it can be transported to al the bits of you that will use it as energy - your muscles, liver and brain, to name a few. (These organs NEED sugar to function which is one of the reasons why you must never cut out carbs completely!)

It's now called 'blood sugar' and your body closely monitors the level of your blood sugar, as having too much sugar in your blood is toxic and dangerous for you. This is known as 'high blood sugar'.

If there is a lot of sugar in your blood, or your body sense that there soon will be because the levels are rising very quickly, it acts IMMEDIATELY to return your blood sugar levels back to safer ground.

To do this, it releases a hormone called INSULIN.

I like to call insulin the fat storing hormone...

When this response is triggered, as much sugar as possible is cleared from your blood and safely stored elsewhere for future use. This storage area is actually your fat cells and they get all nice and full and plump and big and.... just got fatter!

So this is why you should REDUCE the amount of carbohydrates you eat... because gaining fat only takes an instant!

Jo is a leading Personal Trainer and Diet Coach who has helped thousands of people achieve their goals over the last decade. She is the author of the book Dumbells Are A Girl's Best Friend and creator of The 8 Week Diet Programme.

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