Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dukan diet and constipation 5 different ways of dealing with this unpleasant side effect

Some people new Dukan diet found the discomfort of constipation and Digestive transit problems occur. In most cases, this situation is temporary and normal response to the body adapt to new foods and an other food regime. Due to the fact that the Dukan high often is people about nutrition diet in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates you need reports less frequently on the toilet to go. This decrease in frequency and can be interpreted in constipation. Someone used to a certain time of the day their routine by constipation, but simply due to lack of waste product, which must be passed go may be disturbed. If this is the case, then there is no problem. Of course real constipation is uncomfortable and unpleasant, and must be sorted out quickly.

In this article I will be a 5 way search deal with the problem of constipation on the Dukan diet.

Every day eat your oat bran

The first thing to do is make sure that you eat the recommended amount of oat bran every day. You can your oat bran food either on its own in a paste (spiced with cinnamon and vanilla for delicious daily treatment) or added to other foods such as a burger-filler.

If you are still experiencing enough bran food but constipation you can increase the amount you eat each day until your digestive system gets back to normal.

2. Try to take some wheat bran to your diet

Another possibility, suggested by Dr. Dukan in the official guide is in the add a spoon of wheat bran your diet every day that you have a problem.

3. You must drink plenty of water

A third thing you can do is make sure that you drink enough water per day. A lack of water in your system may cause constipation. Make sure that you drink the recommended minimum of two litres of water per day. Although you should not have digestive problems you this amount of water every day drinking, whether you have the Dukan diet or are not.

(4) You can some plums food, if that helps

A fourth option is to eat a small amount of fruit such as plums, until your movements are back to normal. Yes, you may not fruit during the Dukan diet but there is no point in the unnecessarily suffer, you can clean up digestive problems some plums food, if as a result.

5. Ask your pharmacist for help

Finally, if you really can you suffer constipation buy some over the counter remedies from your pharmacist. Of course you want to not find easy to cope with over-doing things such as laxatives and suppository, but a small dose, an urgent issue is perfectly acceptable.

Now start the change. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from the first day of the attack phase until the end. I have all my recipes and menu ideas and tips and tricks in getting the most out of your Dukan experience diet. When you are ready to lose weight quickly, without hunger click Dukan diet starting your journey.

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