If you have pounds to lose, why choose the Dukan diet? Also called regime, the proteins the Dukan diet or the Dukan method - is the Dukan diet of a super popular new French diet, weight loss includes a heavy protein regime with a long-term meaningful method to maintain.
The number one reason to choose the Dukan diet as it is 'Slim', say in French, slim down or weight to lose. If you want to shed the pounds and you learn your weight thinnest and sexy, is the Dukan diet of an all inclusive diet, which allows it, spicy real food you and even weight lose quickly and keep them.
The method was created by French physician Pierre Dukan. He advised a patient, who was also a friend to just lean protein food and drinking water, if the friend asked his advice to lose weight quickly. Although he had no background in the diet, the results have been incredibly successful. Pierre Dukan became interested in nutrition and weight loss at this time and has continued for decades to remove people down or help slim. For thirty years he has helped practice, to lose people in France, weight and slim and now his method gaining great popularity in the UK now it's time for that to get secret United States of this French diet that too long a secret was.
The Dukan method works in four different phases - attack phase, the cruise phase, consolidation and the stabilization period.
You remain a strict protein diet during the attack phase. In contrast to the Atkin, heavy fats are diet to avoid butter and cream. During the attack phase of food you just lean meat, fish, shrimp, chicken, lobster, lean ham and lean beef. You can have herb sweetener to your food generous season as well as non-fructose.
High fat protein and dairy products are allowed during the attack phase. Eggs are good, but if cholesterol is a problem for you, the yolks limit during the attack phase.
Proteins are a major source of lean protein and should be enjoyed during the attack phase of the regime of Dukan and the diet. The bulk of the attack phase, you lose the weight.
While diet can cruise the phase Dukan a long list of approved Dukan vegetables in alternating days add. You go back and forth between protein a day, then a protein and vegetables and so on day. At this stage, continue until you have shed pounds to your desired goal weight.
The consolidation phase is an important phase. How long stay get you in the consolidation phase on based how many pounds you will have lost during the attack and cruise phases. This is a healthy way to lose weight and keep it as Pierre Dukan noticed that the most patients, the shed had it pounds with this time after the loss and try to fight to keep it. You can add the consolidation phase in the foods you love to eat, such as by the Dukan diet menu. The goal continues to be your slim body for life.
In the stabilization period Dr. Dukan shows you, like you, I hope that course in masses, six days that week would like to eat. On the seventh day you have to go back to your diet attack phase. Consume only lean protein such as in the first phase of the diet for one day a week. Keep in mind you great Dukan of tons of make tasty diet recipes are learned and delicious protein recipes so I hope this not so bad.
Settle for the cardboard fake food if you're diet. Enjoy authentic delicious food with a Dukan diet menu.
For Dr. Dukan weight loss trick must visit appetite suppression tips, Dukan diet recipes and more---> Pierre Dukan diet
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