Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 5 mistakes make the most of the people on the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is one of the fastest growing new diets. With so many people in a hurry to start and experience the rapid weight loss and low hunger program it is possible that simply make a few mistakes in their haste to lose weight. In this article I will look at the five most common Dukan diet mistakes.

(1) Do not eat enough and hungry feeling

People used to hunger and calories count diets have who want to can a hard time getting up with the idea they eat diet as much as they are on the Dukan. It is a misconception you hungry need to feel that to lose weight are all the time. Accordingly Dukan will cut some people new nutrition unconsciously to prevent that the feeling feel satisfied and so, as they are on a diet to their portion sizes (and lose weight). You need not hungry constantly feel lost weight! The Dukan diet is a low hunger you should not be eating, hungry while you follow this weight loss program. If you feel hungry then you eat something (unless it's on the list of approved foods!)

(2) Do not have enough variety in your diet

When you first start of the Dukan diet must more than once on the Dukan diet reference book. It's natural to want to, just check what kinds of foods are allowed and what is not allowed. It takes a week or two on the list stored, so that Dukan friendly diet menus is compilation of second nature. For some people as soon as they a meal find that you like to eat them then follow this meal, is think it easier, with, what they know just stay safe and easy. The disadvantage is this plan that meals fast repetitive and boring. The once pleasant and eagerly-awaited meal solution is a dreaded chore. So, to avoid, always sick from the mere sight of Turkey TIKKA kebab and mint sauce (for example) make sure, take to the experiment and extend your Dukan diet menu.

3. Ever stepped on the scales

The loss of weight on the Dukan diet, especially during the attack phase can be done very quickly. Dieters get a motivational buzz on the scales to see that the pounds fall off have. However weight during the day vary. The scale can show you show an exciting loss of a few pounds in the morning but to have actually gained a pound in the afternoon! One day could be another card to see weight gain and weight loss. This is unnecessary bother.

You need also to this factor the most household scales are not very precise machines. Move the scales slightly to the left or right and you will probably find a different result if you they step.

A weight should not more often than once a week are performed. After a month in would be better in my opinion. Weight loss, you should always at week at the very least, preferably by month are. This brings me to the next error.

(4) Make too much of occasional slips

It is very easy slip on your diet to eat, something, that you had. Someone can give you a cookie and without thinking you eat it before you realize what you are doing. You are in a situation food rejected in which or drink would be inappropriate and rude. On the Dukan diet is there even such small random slips a fatty cut of meat, you if you had has with whole milk in your coffee by accident or food. I remember when I was first on the Dukan which I accidentally a package roast roasted pork slices instead of roast Turkey raised. For a few minutes I was destroyed on the ground until I managed to put things in proportion.

While on the Dukan diet are a little slip is nothing. Imagine that you have a few glasses of wine a day. Naughty, naughty, wine on the Dukan may not. But make too much of this slip would be madness! Let's say that the extra calories for the wine was 280 kcal. That is, 280 kcal, which you should have had unsafe. But instead of thinking of as 280 kcal additional for this day consider it as an extra for the week. This means that this slip led you consume an additional 40 kcal per day for the next few months.

So instead of spending be worrying about the drinking glasses of wine and feeling unhappy, thinking time instead of burn this additional 40 kcal per day for a month. This will be not too difficult! Gallons of ice water drink is much about burning (you have to drink it all at once!) due to the fact that your body until the temperature of the water get to burn calories is easy.

5. Thinking that the Dukan diet works by magic

It is not hard to see why so many people who think the Dukan diet by appear magic works. The lack of hunger and fast weight loss seems so different from all other diets which the food combinations such as its working methods must appear by magic. Some people talk about the diet, as if their stomachs boiler and the food that they eat are part of a magical weight loss drank. They think if it is one thing wrong, eating too much or it, or too little or that the wrong food or drink the wrong drink, then the spell will be broken and the weight loss stops!

Of course, this is not the case. There is nothing magical in the way that the Dukan diet works. Everything that has happened, what happens with all diets work. Simply burn more calories than they consume the diet and weight loss occurs when your body use the stored fat for energy. The great thing about the Dukan diet, why so many people sing his praise, is that the whole process is so much easier and faster than experienced with other diets. The high protein and carbohydrate menus to the Dukan mean that people of course simply fewer calories consume, because they quickly satisfied and not hungry or food longer long. If you drop or the wrong, eat on this day you will have eaten more calories, nothing will be ruined or deleted, as long as you just on the programme back weight loss will still continue.

Now start the change. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from the first day of the attack phase until the end. I have all my recipes and menu ideas and tips and tricks in getting the most out of your Dukan experience diet. When you are ready to lose weight quickly, without hunger click Dukan diet starting your journey.

Dukan Diet Attack Phase Secrets You Must Know If You Want To Lose Weight

The Attack phase of the Dukan Diet throws new dieters in at the deep end. There is a reason why Dr. Dukan called this phase the Attack. For the first few days of the weight loss regime you will be in the most restrictive phase of the diet. Those of you used to calorie counting diets will find themselves deep in unfamiliar territory. Anyone, who like me before I experienced the Dukan diet, will be eating meals without carbohydrates for the first time. Here are some of the things, positive and negative, you should expect from the Attack phase of the Dukan diet.

No hunger or low hunger

Everyone is different and so people will have different experiences of the Dukan diet. For some, they will find that their appetite is totally suppressed and they rarely feel hunger. Others will still feel hungry but nowhere near as much as they expected to. If you are on the Attack phase (or any phase of this weight loss regime) and you feel hungry then the solution is simple: eat more. Many people used to hunger while they're on diets expect to feel hungry on the Dukan diet. Accordingly, they deliberately but mistakenly, restrict the amount of food they eat until they feel hungry. The mistake comes with thinking that in order to lose weight you must feel hungry. This is not true.

No or low food cravings

Now feeling hungry and wanting to eat are not necessarily the same thing. Many people who are overweight will be well aware of this. You can feel totally full and still crave more food. So you'd be forgiven for thinking that even if you didn't feel hungry while on the Dukan diet you may still be undone by simply craving the delicious treats and snacks you're used to. Well this may surprise you but while you're following this regime not only does hunger diminish but the desire to eat and eat and eat does too. When I first experienced the Attack phase I was really surprised by just how little my desire to eat fatty, sugary foods actually was. It was hard to believe that just a few days previously I didn't think I could get through the day without such treats.

Fast weight loss

Again people are all different and some people lose more weight than others during the Attack phase. But most people who've been on the Dukan diet agree that during this phase - even though it is only a few days long - a lot of weight comes off compared to other diets. Looser jeans, tops and jackets feeling less tight and only after a week on the Dukan. This was a very pleasant surprise for me and could be for you too.

Tiredness and headaches

Things aren't all easy going on the Attack phase however. Remember, it isn't called the Attack for nothing. As you are getting used to the new diet menu you may experience slight headaches and increased feelings of tiredness. For almost everyone these symptoms only last the few days they are on the Attack phase and completely disappear when they enter the next phase of the Dukan.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

It is possible the Dukan diet attack phase to enjoy?

Is it possible to enjoy the attack phase of the Dukan diet? I think that it is. If you haven't tried the Dukan diet for yourself then I can understand you being skeptical. In fact, I would not blame you for expecting every phase of the Dukan diet to be, while not desperately unpleasant, something you would not exactly enjoy. For most people, diets, and especially the first few days of the diet are pretty unpleasant. The attack phase of the Dukan diet takes place during the first few days (you only do this phase once and never lasts more than a week) and so should be the hardest phase. It is called the 'attack' and not the ' relaxing preamble phase' after all!

Before looking more closely at the attack phase, I want to take a look at diets in general. People have a tendency to sum up large and complex events into one single experience. The manage less verbose among US to sum things up, no matter how eventful in a single word or two.

Were how the holidays? Good.

What was Francine's wedding like? Fabulous.

How what school today? Rubbish.

What was the journey like? A nightmare!

Of course, if we're asked to expand on the subject we can if we're willing. And, can most of US break things down and accept that some aspects of the day or event were better than others. When what we're doing is warmly anticipated or if we enjoyed the event then we tend to forget or gloss over the bad things and vice-versa. As time goes by, most of US slowly forget the bad and remember events, unless especially tragic or traumatic, as positive experiences. What has this got to do with the Dukan diet and the attack phase, you may wonder.

Well, when we choose to go on diets (no matter what kind of diet it is, simple calorie counting, the Dukan diet, joining a weight watchers club, the Atkins or only drinking hot water and molasses and cayenne pepper) we have mixed feelings. There is some relief that we're finally doing something about losing the weight we've been worrying about. There is excitement at the thought of losing weight. But there is also fear that the diet plan may not work and all our efforts will be for nothing. Or that we will not be able to stick it out until the end. Finally, there is dread or even sadness, at the thought of not being able to enjoy the foods, treats and snacks we're used to eating and comforting ourselves with.

Most people will take these separate emotions (relief, excitement, fear, dread and sadness) and decide whether or not they are looking forward (or not) to being on their diet and what this experience will be like.

However, diets are complex events. Rather than always remaining one single experience, constantly changing things are. The first few days of a diet are not same as being the fourth or fifth week in. The experience of one month on a diet is not the same as what being on the diet in month three is like. As you progress with your diet, you change.

If I were to ask you how you'd feel if you lost the weight you helped needed to what would you say? Mais you need to lose 30lbs, would you feel any different if you were 15lbs lighter? I think most people would. So if it takes twelve weeks to loose 30lbs, after six weeks you will have lost half the weight. That means that after just over a month you will be feeling different.

What this means is that you can't plan to go on the Dukan diet, work out that it will take you 12 the weight and think weeks to lose: I'm going to spend 12 weeks feeling like... This is because as the weeks go by how you feel, your experiences of the diet, will necessarily change.

What about some of the other emotions. Take relief, for example, you will feel this from day one. You've been worrying about being over weight and wanting to lose some pounds but never got around to it each meal, every snack or treat has been accompanied with a sense of guilt that you ought not be eating this.

However, with most diets, this pleasant feeling of relief does not last long. This is simply because the sensation of relief is replaced with feeling hungry all the time and craving your old meals, treats and snacks.

The Dukan diet is a diet low hunger. Not only do you feel less hungry than you do on other diets (simply because high-protein diets are more filling) but you actually crave other foods much less often. People say that one of the biggest surprises that they have whilst on the attack phase (and all the other phases of the Dukan diet) is that they don't feel hungry or really want to eat sugary or fatty foods.

This means that the pleasant feeling of relief that you are finally doing something about your weight, lasts a lot longer.

The other emotions that you feel when on a diet include excitement over losing weight and fear that you may not or can not stick to the plan. The Dukan diet is a almost weight loss diet. In fact during the attack phase most people loose a lot of weight. This phase only lasts three or four days but this is usually enough for weight loss to be noticeable.

After two weeks of the Dukan diet, by this time you are into the cruise phase, you will discover your clothes feeling loser and will probably start receiving positive comments on your weight loss. What great motivation for carrying on going with it!

This means that if you plan on starting the Dukan diet tomorrow, then the next few days, during your attack phase, you can expect to feel relief and excitement that you're doing something that works. Of course, all diets are a stressful time. Don't expect it to be all plain sailing. But expect it to be interesting and possibly even fun.

You can look ahead to 4 weeks from now. After this time most people are noticeably thinner. Clothes are more comfortable and they're hearing positive remarks about their weight loss.

As you progress through the Dukan diet, you pass through different phases. With every new phase, more and more foods are included and your menu becomes more and more varied. On the third phase you are even including celebration meals in which you are allowed to eat any foods you like!

The Dukan diet is one of changes. Not only does the diet itself change over time but so does your body and expectations. Due to the lack of hunger and food cravings coupled with the almost weight loss, the diet is high on motivation. This means that the more positive aspects of a weight loss program are emphasized. These positive aspects include: relief that you're finally doing something about your weight and hit that you have found a diet solution that works. excitement that you are losing the pounds and anticipation over finally being the size and shape you want to be.

Knowing and experiencing this, while only in the first few days of the Dukan diet, means that, yes, it is possible to enjoy the attack phase.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

Dukan Diet New From France

The Dukan Diet is the brainchild of Doctor Pierre Dukan who has been a student of weight loss for nearly 30 years. The diet has been popular in France for over 10 years but has only recently been translated into English and made available to those outside of France.

Since publication the Dukan diet has been taken up by many would be slimmers both in the UK and USA. The basic approach of this diet is that it operates in four phases each designed to serve a specific function. The four are the Attack, Cruise, consolidation and stabilization phases.

When you start the Dukan Diet you go onto the Attack Phase which is the strictest of the regime and is undertaken for between 7 to 10 days only. You are restricted to eating only high protein foods such as grilled meats, chicken, fish and eggs. In this way it is very similar to the Atkins diet however unlike Atkins you have to avoid fats and oils. The purpose of this phase is to shed a considerable amount of weight in a short time. It is not uncommon to lose as much as 10lb in this first phase.

On the cruise phase the dieter can start adding a variety of vegetables to their diet on alternate days and continue with the "all protein" diet on the other days. Dr Dukan says that you could expect to lose between 2 - 3 lb per week during this part of the diet. You continue with this phase until you reach your target weight.

When you have reached your target weight you move on to the Consolidation phase. As with any diet the problem is that having lost the weight it almost invariably returns. This phase is for your body to get used to your new eating regime and to begin to add to the variety of foods that you eat. Reintroduction of foods such as potatoes, bread and fruits and you can also have what Dr Dukan calls "guild free" meals a week.

The final and life long part of the diet is the Stabilization phase. For six days a week you can within moderation eat what you will but on the seventh day you eat nothing but protein. Dr Dukan recommends Thursday as the best day of the week to do this.

The obvious question is does the Dukan Diet work? There are a great number of supported who can offer prove that it does but there are also concerns about how healthy such an eating regime is. If you have a considerable amount of weight to lose this approach could be attractive. However, if you just want to drop a dress size or two there are better ways.

To learn more about the Dukan Diet and how it can help you reach your target weight visit

Dukan Diet Menu

The Dukan Diet plan is super-popular in France and is now gaining momentum in other countries as well. In France alone, it is estimated that over 1.5 million people have used this diet and there are many positive testimonials about it.

In this article I want to go over the Dukan Diet Menu options to help you see what you can eat while on this weight loss plan. There is no one strict menu that this program uses but it's still important for you to know exactly what you can expect.

The Dukan Diet has 4 distinct phases, each with its own guidlines and purpose. Some of the phases deal with losing weight and others with maintaining it after you're already shed your excess weight. This makes the food choices on each phase somewhat different than those on the other phases.

Dukan Diet Menu Phase by Phase

The first phase on this diet plan is called the Attack Phase. This is a purely protein consumption phase. You have all protein for 3--10 days. The book explains how to determine whether you need to follow this phase for just 3 days or the full 10. It depends on how much you need to lose.

As this is an all protein phase, your food chocies basically amount to: beef, chicken, other poultry, low fat or no fat dairy products, seafood, and fish. As you can imagine, this is not going to be an easy phase to go through due to the low range of food choices.

The cruise phase is the second phase of the Dukan Diet. On this phase you have more food choices. Mainly, you can add vegetables to your diet. However, you can only have them every other day. The rest of the time it's still protein only. You can have practically any vegetable that you want except for the starchy ones such as potatoes, peas, and so on.

On the consolidation phase that comes next, you can add bread, pasta, and fruit to your eating routine. However protein is still the foundation of your diet. You do have 2 free meals each week to eat evening "non diet" things, so you can indulge yourself quite a bit.

On the last phase, the one that's about maintenance and not weight loss, you can eat what you want six days of the week and do an all protein day on the seventh. This is how the Dukan Diet plan works.

For more information about the food on this diet visit Dukan Diet Menu and Tips. To see how well this diet works, click here: Does the Dukan Diet work? John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dukan Diet Plan Attack Phase - Does It Have To Be Tasteless And Brutal?

Developed by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist with an incredible focus on rapid fat loss, the Dukan diet plan promises its followers two primary things: quick results and practically no pain or discomfort whatsoever. This article will address the diet and in particular, the infamous Dr. Dukan Diet attack phase and what you can expect to encounter during it.

First, let us discuss this diet's real claim to fame, which is lightning fast fat loss. It goes without saying that there is no better way to keep yourself on track with a diet than to actually see the results happening before your very eyes. This not only keeps you motivated to continue, but also provides you with some much needed excitement and immediate pride. The Dukan Diet meal plan may very well allow you to enjoy these great benefits.

One reason why so many of us fail when we attempt to diet is that our tummies start growling and we just can't block out the dreadful hunger pangs that can truly consume our entire thought process. If you've dieted in the past, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. Fortunately, by following the Dukan Diet book, you likely won't encounter any cravings that you can't handle. In fact, you may not have any cravings at all!

So What Is the Dukan Diet Attack Phase?

This eating program starts off with a bang. The first phase, known as the Dukan Diet attack phase, plays on human psychology and uses it to your advantage. What the heck do I mean? Well, if you're anything like me and millions of other dieters, you understand full well that we always feel the strongest and most optimistic about our success right at the very beginning. Dr. Dukan understands this, too. As a result, he designed this diet to produce stunning results right from the onset.

Essentially, this is an intense dieting stretch that can last up to approximately one week. It will probably sound familiar to you if you've done any type of low-carb diet. Similar to the Atkins induction phase, the Dukan Diet attack phase is a carnivore's dream come true. Meats (never fried), cheeses, eggs, fish, and non-fat dairy products can be consumed liberally. Additionally, oat bran (for essential fiber) and lots of good clean water (for obvious reasons) are also encouraged.

While the weight loss can be quite significant, to the tune of up to a pound a day for the first week... and while excessive, unbearable hunger will be virtually non-existent throughout the process, you can very easily become rather bored with your limited menu options. There are a few tricks that I recently learned that can keep this from being the case for you.

1. Lemon juice and lemon zest are your friends, use them often!

2. Use yogurt and spices as marinades.

3. Fresh, fragrant herbs can really bring your meals to life.

4. Artificial sweeteners are permitted, and when combined with egg yolks and fat-free milk, an attack phase-friendly dessert is born!

Above all else, never stop learning. There are some extremely valuable resources out there that can keep you on track and supercharge your weight loss results. You just have to muster up the desire to seek them out and use them to the best of your ability.

Show The World Your True Potential!

Pick up your 100% RISK-FREE copy of Dukan Diet Secret right away. This is the #1 resource for setting you on the fast track to becoming a super success story using the Dukan Diet. "Lean and mean" is just around the corner... Go to now!

Pros And Cons of The Dukan Diet

Five million people in France have read the book. Almost two million French citizens follow the diet. Movie stars, celebrities, super-models and even members of the British Royal Family have all reportedly successfully used it to shed pounds.What is this secret system? The Dukan Diet.

Created more than ten years ago by French physician Peirre Dukan, the Dukan Diet is a high protein, low fat, and low calorie diet. It has four phases, with protein being the main source of nutrition in all phases. Later phases add significant amounts of oat bran, vegetables, and eventually small amounts of fruit and whole grains.

One of the additional requirements of the Dukan Diet is a 20-minute daily walk. After all, Dr. Dukan is a physician and recognizes that permanent, stable weight loss cannot be achieved without physical exercise.

Basically, the first phase of the Dukan Diet is a protein only diet that lasts for one to ten days. The average weight loss is about seven pounds in five days. Phase 2 allows your body to adjust to your new eating plan and you begin to add certain foods back into your menu. Most people remain on Phase 2 for one to ten months, depending on the amount of weight they desire to lose. Phase 3 loosens the reins just a bit, and is intended to be the important period between weight loss and maintenance. You will continue to lose weight during Phase 3, but at a much slower rate. Phase 4 is entirely maintenance and is meant to be a lifelong change incorporating your new eating habits and physical exercise into your daily regimen.

Pros of The Dukan Diet:

No counting calories

No need to weigh or measure foods

You eat as much as you want, at any time of day, as long as you stick to the allowed foods

Since this is a low carb diet, most people find that they do not have cravings for sweets

Most people who do well on the Dukan Diet find that their hunger pangs vanish very early on, which leaves them feeling strongly motivated to lose weight.

Results may sometimes show up within days, helping to boost motivation

Easy to follow and structured. You do not need to purchase special foods. Everything you need is readily available in supermarkets.

For those who have already achieved a certain level of physical fitness, the high protein nature of The Dukan Diet and the required exercise will not cause you to lose any muscle

Unlike many other diets, this one allows you to drink diet soda and use artificial sweeteners.

Cons of the Dukan Diet:

Like all high protein, low carb diets, some dieters may experience bad breath, constipation, dry mouth, and fatigue.

You need to be watchful for nutrient deficiencies. Taking supplemental multi-vitamins is a good precaution. Also, you must remember to drink lots of water, which will prevent kidney problems as well as promote the quickest weight loss.

If you suddenly decide that the Dukan Diet is not a good fit for you, you may experience flu-like withdrawal symptoms.

Certain foods are strictly forbidden. Especially in Phase One and Phase Two, success depends on following these rules and abstaining

The Dukan Diet may not be the perfect solution for weight loss for every dieter. But its popularity and success is undeniable. If you have struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to learn more about Dr. Dukan and his methods.

Read more about the Dukan Diet including recipes, menus and sources of information at

Does the Dukan Diet Work Or is it Just a Fad Diet?

The Dukan Diet has been a popular program in France for some years now and it is slowly but surely spreading to other countries in Europe and elsewhere. The diet was created by Pierre Dukan and has been reportedly been used by over 1 million people in France alone.

But does the Dukan Diet work or is this just another fad diet that becomes popular for a time and then evaporates from public view?

There are many positive testimonials from people who have used the Dukan Diet and lost weight with it, including some celebrities such as Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Lopez. It seems that this diet can help you lose weight, at least in the short term. However, this doesn't mean that it's right for you. You need to take a look at how the Dukan Diet works to answer that...

The Dukan Diet is a high protein diet. This is the one main principle of the program. In various stages of the program you will eat more protein than in other stages but the overall focus on protein remains.

The Dukan Diet has 4 stages:

1. The Attack phase - In this initial phase, you're allowed to eat only protein such as eggs, meat, low fat dairy and so on. This phase, the hardest portion of the diet, lasts from 1 -- 10 days in total (depending on how much weight you have to lose). This can be a few quite challenging days on the diet.

2. Cruise phase - During this phase you can also eat vegetables every other day so you have one all-protein day followed by a protein and veggies day. As you can see, this is much easier than the attack phase but it is still somewhat restrictive. This phase is followed until you lose all your excess weight.

3. Consolidation phase - This, I believe, is the most important phase of the entire diet. Here, you're supposed to start the process of eating normally again without gaining any more weight. Maintaining your weight is a challenge with any diet, making this phase ultra-important. On these phase you can eat pasta, bread, fruit, and even enjoy two free meals each week with practically any food you like.

4. Stabilization phase - This is what you're supposed to do all your life. You have one protein day each week and the rest of the days have more freedom.

The Dukan Diet can help you lose weight. However, it can be quite restrictive, at least in the first two phases which may make it difficult to stick to.

For pros and cons of this diet visit Dukan Diet Reviews
To see how you can lose weight fast, click here: Best Online Diet Plans Reviews

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Worth the Dukan diet? Advantages and disadvantages of high protein diet

The English-speaking countries, have the Dukan for something known more than a year now, and this year, that's little-known diet weight loss program has gone secret of popular diet choice. In this article I'll forward and look at the disadvantages of the Dukan diet.

The advantages of the Dukan diet

(1) The low-carbohydrate, high protein diet is a fast weight loss diet. Many people report in the first days to lose several pounds. Noticeable weight loss is achieved very quickly. This is a great motivational benefit. There is little disheartening when comes to diets, this feeling like nothing has reached weeks of hard work. The rapid weight loss is one of the most important pros of the diet. Most people can take a few weeks on a new diet before the slipping. After a few weeks on the Dukan the weight loss has already been reached too large for people easily in return for some junk food to throw away.

2. One of the miserable feelings of a diet is hunger and food demand. Constantly hungry, want to eat, is hard work. After a few weeks of the majority of people crack and diving you a days binging their weeks make up for pain. The Dukan diet is a little starvation diet. The high protein content of the programme means that dieters feel very little hunger. In fact, you take diet appetite of suppressants using the following Dukan course. Protein-rich meals filled more quickly and you will feel fuller for more. Of course it's easier to comply a diet that you constantly is not weakening by hunger.

(3) A unique quality of the diet of Dukan, I is white, that the program as a kind of reset button for your eating habits and taste works so far. To eat because of the early limitations re-tunes the Dukan your setting. Portion control is of course to eat as much as you need satisfied, but as food as much as you can reset. Heavy fat and carbohydrate foods are very easy to eat in large quantities. Both of these foods promote food abundance, fatty foods really stimulate appetite, allows to you to eat more. Protein-rich meals fill much more quickly and as a result of less food.

A second adjustment to your eating habits is, that the restoration of Dukan (or simply for some leads) an appreciation of fruit and vegetables. Taste, cravings and pallets are reset so that fresh vegetables taste and are a welcome part of every meal. Fruit is expected with suspense. The end result is that a balanced and healthy diet is desirable and rather enjoyed that something, that ideal, but unreachable is considered.

4. There is no calorie counting or weighing of the Dukan diet food. From the 100 approved foods you can eat as much as you want. Simple food, whenever you want and how much you want. Some people are naturally skeptical when they hear these allegations. How do you eat as much as you want and have weight to lose? Well the answer is in the set - you can eat as much as you want. This is as much as you physically inside yourself things can not be the same as the food! People think faster full due to the satisfactory nature of protein-rich meals. The sense of satisfaction, that you have eaten as much as you really want comes on much faster, with previous meals. The result is that you really can eat, as much as you want and to lose more weight.

The Dukan diet based healthy eating principles. During the diet to the English speaking world since it to decades. In contrast to other diets, the Dukan is proven diet as a healthy and responsible weight loss method.

The disadvantages of the Dukan diet

(1) Some followers of the Dukan, report that their appetite may completely disappear. In other words, they go because of an uncontrollable need, food, eating very little pleasure. This is no fear or reluctance to eat, eat their meals as normal, but without eating a strong desire. A few people in this case Miss while estimate that weight loss has become very easy the eager anticipation and joy of eating what they want. As soon as the weight loss phase Dukan diet is over, and introduces more food, can not the former desire for food are things and things, but not as compulsively have to eat until you no longer.

(2) That Dukan diet is difficult to follow without any previous preparation. It is difficult if not impossible, to find appropriate food on the go. Without making sure that you will find at the end of in this situation, you are at home in the evening with no adequate food in the House. The choice is either going to bed hungry or slip from your diet, and something which thou shalt not to eat.

3. If you are on a budget, it can simply too much money from Dukan to spend diet friendly food. Fresh fish, pieces of meat, vegetables, until all added and the weekly invoice shopping huge can find expensive. However, this must be not the case. Careful planning and smart shopping can you follow the Dukan and keep a modest budget.


It's easy to see why so many people contact the Dukan diet for her weight loss solution. For most people that outweigh the disadvantages to professionals and the experience of the Dukan diet is previous diets than the pleasant and rewarding. In fact, can with a little more careful thought and preparation many of the negative removed or avoided.

If you are unsure whether the Dukan diet is the right choice for you then hand it a trial run. Try it for a week. If you are satisfied with the results, you can keep going up.

Now start the change. You can follow my progess on the Dukan diet from the first day of the attack phase until the end. I have all my recipes and menu ideas and tips and tricks in getting the most out of your Dukan experience diet. When you are ready to lose weight quickly, without hunger click Dukan diet starting your journey.

Dukan Diet - Will The World's Hottest Diet Make You Thin?

If 5 million people are losing weight with The Dukan Diet, will it work for you too?

Although Dr. Pierre Dukan began working with his patients to lose weight 30 years ago, The Dukan Diet really started spreading through word of mouth 10 years ago when Dukan first published his ideas in France, his home country.

What is it that 5 million people like about the Dukan diet and makes it unique?

It promises lightning fast results
Provides a special formula to create permanent weight loss
Works on the idea that the body has a hard time gaining weight eating only one food group

How does The Dukan Diet get lighting fast results?

Pierre Dukan believes the only way to have lasting weight loss is to see encouraging results immediately. His methods focus on losing weight by eating 100 pure foods, most of which are lean protein. According to Dukan, the perfect formula to get fat is to eat a balanced diet of 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fats, and 20 percent protein (a formula resembling mother's milk).

The Dukan Diet has grown in popularity in France and 20 other countries. It's outstanding results come from the theory that eating only one food group (protein in this case) makes it hard to gain weight and causes you to burn fat at a lightning speed.

Dukan got his start helping people lose weight back in the 1970s when one of his patients came to him with the complaint that he had tried everything to lose weight and was willing to do whatever Dukan told him as long as he didn't have to give up meat.

Dukan obliged by putting his patient on a lean meat diet, which went against everything Dukan had learned in school and read about nutrition.

But Dukan's patient lost weight at a rate of a pound a day and kept it off for the first time in his life. Dukan spent the next 30 years honing his methods and working with his patients to come up with what he thinks is the winning formula or "the promised land," as he calls it.

By putting his patients on a plan with four mini diets, the first which focuses on eating protein rich foods, Dukan found they were happier, healthier, and most importantly for looks, thinner with glowing skin.

Naysayers of The Dukan Diet claim their is no science to back up his plan, but Dukan insists his methods will work for you and has 30 years of case studies to supplement his methods.

What is science, after all, besides guessing and checking?

Sam is a weight loss coach who will help you lose weight now FREE by providing you with her Dukan Diet Quick Start Guide and lightning fast weight loss strategies. Get your free Dukan Diet Quick Start Guide at

I on the Dukan eating diet Dukan diet menu - what can?

Have you heard of the new French diet? Latest import from France, Dukan diet is the way and changing way, think people on diets. Doctor Dukan created a method that more than tasteless cardboard offers fake food and it is not a heart attack on us come up with bold and fatty steaks. The Dukan diet enjoy you delicious, nutritious food of during every phase of the diet.

In short, is the Dukan diet a four-stage diet where you quickly back the one you lost pounds shed and avoidance of weight gain.

Phase one: attack Start phase, in the first phase as an "Attack" – lean proteins are the first stage of the attack on your fat. They eat only lean protein, chicken, fish, lean beef and lean ham as by Dr. Dukan advised. You can use lemon juice on fish or chicken. Stay away from fat meat. You can enjoy shellfish such as lobster and shrimp in this phase.

Phase two: cruise In the cruise phase or second stage is added and alternating with the all-protein days a long list of authorized vegetables. Examples include lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach and broccoli. Avoid starchy vegetables.

Phase three: consolidationDuring the third or you start consolidating add in bread, low-fat butter, fruit, pasta and other foods you enjoy. No wrangling, Dr. Dukan is for what kinds of foods and how much to eat statements at this stage.

Phase four: Stabilization in the final phase or stabilization, you can eat the week almost everything - six days. On the seventh day, you will go back to all protein diet from the first phase.

What's on the Dukan diet menu While Dr. Dukan shares many great recipes phase, get you think creatively about your own recipes. With tons of options, such as mussels, chicken, lean ham and lean beef, you have to start with good proteins. Dukan generously recommends spices to cook delicious food. Try grilled shrimp with herbs, more encrypted sashimi, lemon garlic chicken on the grill, eggs with basil, chervil, and much.

During the cruise phase, you all can enjoy this good proteins together with tons of delicious vegetables. Again, Dr. Dukan is recipes, during the diet, including for beef and vegetables of Kabobs and some other great and easy to execute recipes to support one. What you can and can not eat at each stage are clearly explained, so it's not hard to develop your own creative recipes in the framework of the guidelines.

During the third and fourth stages - enjoy bread, fruit, cheese and other foods. The guidelines are specifically about how much you every day can eat the newly added food. How much weight you, lost during the first two stages determines how long you stay in the third phase. For who has a sweet tooth, offers some fantastic dessert recipes that you can enjoy during the diet Dr. Dukan. You can find the Dukan diet dessert recipes and tons of other information on the new French diet on my site.

Click for Dukan diet recipe ideas and tons of important information about what you can and can not for the food, the doctor's favorite weight loss secret sauce and more food on---> Dukan diet recipes

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dukan Diet - Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off Forever - New French Diet

Do you want to lose 20 pounds or more quickly? If you haven't tried the Dukan Diet, keep reading this article. Created by a French doctor Pierre Dukan, this diet has created a stir in France over the last decade and was just released outside of France.

The Dukan Diet has proven a success in people with a little weight to lose and for those who want to lose a lot of weight in a hurry. Dr. Dukan notes that our weight gain is a result of how many fat cells we have. When we overeat, we get to a certain point where the fat cells grow large enough that if we don't stop the unhealthy cycle, they then split into two creating more fat cells. This makes dieting much harder. After working with thousands of patients, Dr. Dukan developed this diet to help people with all different body shapes and sizes to be able to lose and maintain weight loss.

The Dukan Diet helps people lose weight quickly because it works to attack the problem with an intense and limited diet in the beginning, gradually working into something that you can maintain for life. In his ten years working with patients, Dr. Dukan found that this worked for people who were obese and those who wanted to drop a few pounds to get to their ideal weight.

The Dukan diet is broken up into four sections or phases: the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase and the stabilization phase. The diet isn't easy and requires some discipline but if you do stick with it, you can lose weight quickly. The Dukan Diet isn't a quick fix plan - it's a plan for life. Dukan focuses heavily on maintenance, getting through that critical period where most people gain back any weight they've lost through quick crash diets.

During the attack phase of the diet, you eat only protein. The focus on protein seems like the Atkin's plan. However, in contrast to the Atkin's plan, this isn't fatty protein with butter and as much fat as you like. Fat is to be trimmed off of beef and other meats, skin to be removed from the chicken. The attack phase or first portion of the diet can be done for one to ten days, depending on how much weight you need to lose. To lose more weight quickly, continue this attack first phase of the diet for as long as necessary.

The second phase of the Dukan diet is the cruise phase. You will continue to lose weight during this phase but not at the rate you did in the first phase. You will be alternating your protein-only days with protein and vegetable days. Avoiding starchy vegetables is important - most green vegetables can be eaten without restriction during this period on vegetable days. During the cruise phase of the Dukan diet, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week. You stay in this phase alternating protein and protein/vegetable days until you've reached your weight loss goal. If you want to lose weight quickly, stay in the attack phase for a longer time before starting this second phase of the diet. Then, continue the cruise phase until you reach your weight loss goal.

The consolidation phase is the third part of of the Dukan Diet. It is this period that Dr. Dukan says is the critical period where most dieters gain back weight they have lost. During this phase, you can add back in limited amounts of breads, cheese, pasta and other foods you love in moderation. Eat lean protein and vegetables every day. You can add in one serving of fruit per day as well as limited portions of whole grains and dairy. Dukan advises five days of this third phase for every pound of weight you have lost. You don't continue to lose weight in this phase so if you wanted to lose more weight. On the Dukan Diet, it is advised that you do low impact exercise such as a walk for 25 minutes each day.

The fourth phase or stabilization of the Dukan diet is your maintenance plan for life. In this phase, no foods are forbidden but one day each week, you eat only protein. You won't lose weight doing this but it will help you to maintain by balancing out the food during the rest of your week. Similar to the attack phase, during the protein days of the diet, avoid fats and chicken skin and avoid sauces.

Does this diet sound like something you could do? If you could lose 20, 30, 40 pounds or more and maintain it for life, it might be worth it right? Dr. Dukan has many patients thrilled with their weight loss on the Dukan Diet and now that it is available outside of France, more and more people are waking up to the possibility of quick weight loss with long-term results.

For more information and details on what you can eat and what to avoid on the Dukan Diet please visit my site Lose Weight Fast and Easy.

For more info about Pierre Dukan who developed the Dukan Diet and to get started with the french weight loss method click Dukan Diet

Italian chicken meatballs

Published on 19 December 2011 by Janice Italian chicken meatballs

It is not a secret that I love balls!  I said out loud?  In any event, these do not disappoint.  I do not use chicken much, but they were really well with a small cheese and all the dried tomato and Basil goodness Sun.


1 lb chicken
1 egg substitute egg or 1/4 cup
1/3 cup oat bran
dried tomatoes 1/4 cup, reconstituted or well drained and chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese
1/2 cup fat free mozzarella, shredded
salt and red pepper flakes

Mix all the ingredients by hand, careful not to deal too.  On a cookie sheet, bake more small pellets of 15 minutes, larger for 22-25, 400.

Aperitif, 4 as one entry serves 6

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dukan Diet - What's In It?

The Dukan diet menu is hugely successful in France and other parts of the world, and has helped many people to lose weight very quickly. In fact, it's being followed by an estimated 5 million people alone, and now it has been introduced to the U.S. as well.

The Dukan diet has received a lot of attention recently because a lot of celebrities who struggled with maintaining their weight have used it to look in shape again, but many people are confused about whether they should adopt this way of dieting or stay far away from it.

What Does The Dukan Diet Menu Work?

Dr. Pierre Dukan has created a way for people to lose weight very quickly using a unique approach to more traditional methods of weight loss. He created this plan of action based off of 30 years of careful research in trying to address the problems with obesity.

According to Pierre Dukan, the human body is made up of little fat cells that are called adipocytes. The way most weight loss action steps work is that they help you reduce the size of these adipocytes, but the problem is that they multiply after this and cause people to put the weight back on immediately after finishing a diet.

The Dukan diet menu uses 4 important stages to address this issue, which if followed closely can help people lose at least 3-5 pounds in the first week, with many others having reported a greater loss of weight.

Now, the only drawback is that this is a high protein diet, which means that Vegetarians will have to avoid it, but the good news is that the Pierre Dukan recipes in the book are very tasty for most others.

Attack Phase

The very first phase the people go through is called the attack phase, and this is designed to attack the adipocytes and get your body losing weight fast, and also to keep motivation high.

There is no set amount of time that this phase should be followed, because this all depends on how much weight you will want to lose, but a word of caution - sticking to a high protein diet for too long can be hard on your

system, so you may not want to push your luck.

Cruise Phase

The cruise phase involves eating strictly protein, while alternating certain days between vegetables and protein. This is good as it slowly keeps the body on track, instead of sending you back to where you were.

The only exercise that is required to follow the Dukan diet menu is a brief 20 minute a day walk, which many will probably find is easy enough to accomplish.

The whole point of phase 2 is to reach your true weight, which is where you see yourself ideally weighing in at.

Consolidation Phase

Now the weight has been dropped but the consolidation phase in the Dukan diet is extremely important. This is about learning how to maintain your new physique.

During this stage, you will be allowed to have some fruits, breads and even introduce a little dairy to your eating style. There is also a reward meal once a week called the celebration meal, and there are no rules to this one. You can eat whatever you like for this meal, even if it's pizza.

Stabilization Phase

The stabilization phase is about learning how to keep the new you. It asks that you try your best to stick with what you have learned from the Dukan diet menu, and although this is optional - you might have enjoyed the process so much that you choose to stick with it.

In fact, many people have reported that by following the guidelines in the Dukan diet long after they have completed it, that they were able to maintain their ideal weight.

Are you ready to lose weight, look and feel your best? if so, the Dukan diet might just be your ticket to a new and healthier looking you.

Click here to learn more about the Dukan diet menu.

Italian chicken meatballs

Published on 19 December 2011 by Janice Italian chicken meatballs

It is not a secret that I love balls!  I said out loud?  In any event, these do not disappoint.  I do not use chicken much, but they were really well with a small cheese and all the dried tomato and Basil goodness Sun.


1 lb chicken
1 egg substitute egg or 1/4 cup
1/3 cup oat bran
dried tomatoes 1/4 cup, reconstituted or well drained and chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese
1/2 cup fat free mozzarella, shredded
salt and red pepper flakes

Mix all the ingredients by hand, careful not to deal too.  On a cookie sheet, bake more small pellets of 15 minutes, larger for 22-25, 400.

Aperitif, 4 as one entry serves 6

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Meatloaf Sandwich

Posted on December 20, 2011 by Janice meatloaf Sandwich

I kept similar ingredients in bread of Dokan and my meatloaf so that they would be complete. It was a satisfying meal. Even if I can have bread once again, I really do not have it unless I'm eating pizza.  I would rather this bread!  It is delicious.  And the sauce on top of the meat sounds super spicy, but with maple syrup, it really cuts the heat and adds a really nice contrast to the meat.  I spread it around the bread too!


Meatloaf with jalapeño Bacon Turkey

1 lb. ground Turkey
1 Lb ground sirloin
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 jalapeño pepper, finely chopped
Greek yogurt to 3 T
dried tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped
Pepper 1/4 cup red, chopped
2 Eggs
Bacon, 3/4 lb Turkey, cooked and chopped
2 T gherkins, chopped
Cup fat free 2/3 mozzarella cheese, shredded
1/2 cup oat bran
2 T dried parsley
flakes of salt and red pepper

Mix all the ingredients of meatloaf with hands, trying to not manage too.  Place the meat in 4 pots of bread mixture.


1 5 oz can chipotle peppers
1/2 t Splenda
T 2 sugar free maple syrup

Purée all ingredients in a food processor. Keep the remains cool.

Brush sauce on top of meat loaves. Bake, uncovered at 350 ° for 40 minutes.  Let stand 10 minutes before slicing.


With jalapeño and Turkey Bacon bread

3 T free Fat Philadelphia cream cheese
3 T fat free Greek yogurt
1/2 jalapeno peppers, chopped
Pepper 1/4 cup red, finely chopped
4 whole eggs plus 2 egg whites
2 t baking powder
4 T oat bran
Wheat T 4
Bacon, 1/4 lb Turkey, cooked and chopped
fat free 2/3 cup mozzarella, shredded
t salt 1/2.

The bottom line and 2 sides of a 6?x10? of cooking dish with a paper parchment and spray with cooking spray a little.  Pour into 6 × 10 cooking dish and make Cook for 30-35 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out and top is nice and Brown.  Let cool for 5 minutes and remove from the pan.

Slice of bread to the same size as a slice of meat loaf.  Cut the bread into two on the length and toast.  Extend the bread with chipotle sauce more and top with a piece of hot meat loaf.  Store all the extras in the refrigerator for a few days of wonderful sandwiches!

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Holiday Parties: Recipes and ideas

So, I’m going to do my best to not gain a pound this holiday season.  That means we have to try real hard to stay within the boundaries of Dukan, yet have fun and not be tempted with everything that’s going to be in front of us.  I’m going to try to help you get through it with some tips and recipes that I will be making for my holiday partying…

Oat Bran Crostini with Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese


1 packet of rapid rise active yeast
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 cup of oat bran
1/2 t olive oil
pinch of salt

Pour yeast over the warm water and let it sit for 10 minutes until it starts to bubble. Place the bowl over simmering water and add the oat bran, a pinch of salt, and olive oil, slowly, until a very sticky ball of dough forms. Keep stirring until the moisture is absorbed and it resembles a ball of dough. Spray a glass bowl with olive oil spray, place the dough in the bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for an hour. The dough will not rise much but it will lose it’s stickiness and become much easier to handle. Place the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll it out until it’s about a 9-inch circle. Cut the dough into a dozen pieces. Spray both sides with olive oil spray and place on a pizza stone or cookie sheet (I also bake mine on the parchment paper is used to roll it out). Add freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt on the top. Bake at 425 for 12 minutes or until crispy.

Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus

Another delicious holiday party idea!  Make lots of breadcrumbs…I have lots of ideas for them!!  And come on, you’re missing those crunchy little things and this will satisfy soooooo many cravings.


18 asparagus spears, trimmed
6 slices prosciutto
1 Italian Breadcrumb Recipe (below)
1 t lemon juice
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt and pepper
cooking spray

Spray asparagus with a bit of cooking spray and season with salt and pepper. Roll 3 asparagus spears in 1 slice of prosciutto. Arrange them seam-side down on a cookie sheet. Mix the breadcrumbs, lemon juice and garlic, sprinkle them down the middle of the asparagus and spray the entire thing with a bit more cooking spray. Roast at 400 for 10 minutes. Serve warm.


6 T Oat Bran
3 T nonfat cream cheese
3 eggs or 3/4 cup egg whites
1 t dried basil
1/2 t dried oregano
1 T dried parsley
1 t salt
1/2 t pepper
1/2 t red pepper flakes
3-4 T water

Whisk the first three ingredients together and add a tablespoon of water at a time until you get it to crepe batter consistency. Pour 1/4 cup of the mixture into a large non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray. Tilt the pan until the batter has made a large thin circle and brown both sides. After I made all the wraps I toasted them to get them nice and brown. Then I put them in a food processor after they cooled and processed to breadcrumb consistency.

Once you make these oat bran crackers, the choices of what to put on them are endless…Can be easily made with pulled chicken, as well. Make crackers ahead and pop them in the toaster oven to re-crisp before serving.  These crackers can virtually be topped with anything!!

Oat Bran Crostini with Pulled Pork

Can be easily made with pulled chicken, as well.  Make crackers ahead and pop them in the toaster oven to re-crisp before serving.


1 packet of rapid rise active yeast
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 cup of oat bran
1/2 t olive oil
pinch of salt

Pour yeast over the warm water and let it sit for 10 minutes until it starts to bubble.  Place the bowl over simmering water and add the oat bran, a pinch of salt,  and olive oil, slowly, until a very sticky ball of dough forms. Keep stirring until the moisture is absorbed and it resembles a ball of dough.  Spray a glass bowl with olive oil spray, place the dough in the bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for an hour. The dough will not rise much but it will lose it’s stickiness and become much easier to handle.  Place the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll it out until it’s about a 9-inch circle. Cut the dough into a dozen pieces.  Spray both sides with olive oil spray and place on a pizza stone or cookie sheet (I also bake mine on the parchment paper is used to roll it out).  Add freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt on the top.  Bake at 425 for 12 minutes or until crispy.

I have always served sweet and sour meatballs at my Christmas Open House. This version does not disappoint.

Sweet and Spicy Beef Meatballs


1 lb ground sirloin
1/2 cup oat bran
1 egg
1 t garlic salt
1/2 t dried ginger
1 t smoked Paprika
1/2-1 t red pepper flakes
2 T low sodium soy sauce
2 t Splenda or 2 T Brown Sugar Blend Splenda
1/4 cup water
1 t tomato paste
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 t fresh ginger, minced
1 green onion, finely chopped
1 T Worcestershire Sauce
red pepper flakes, to taste
1 T cornstarch mixed with 1 T water

Mix oat bran, egg, garlic salt, paprika, red pepper flakes and dried ginger together using your hands until just blended and form about 20 1 1/2-inch meatballs. Place meatballs in a casserole dish sprayed with cooking spray. Cook meatballs in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, whisk together soy sauce, sweetener, water, tomato paste, garlic, fresh ginger, green onion, Worcestershire sauce and red pepper flakes until well blended and pour over meatballs.  Continue to cook for an additional 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and remove meatballs from dish, keeping them warm on a foil-covered plate.  Place dish on medium heat and add the cornstarch mixture to the sauce.  Cook for 2-3 minutes until sauce thickens.  Pour sauce over meatballs place 2 of them on a decorative skewer.

I will tell you that these crackers, or whatever you want to call them, are terrific. I made them the day before, put them in the toaster oven to crisp them back up and they were awesome.


1 packet of rapid rise active yeast
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 cup of oat bran
1/2 t olive oil
pinch of salt

Pour yeast over the warm water and let it sit for 10 minutes until it starts to bubble. Place the bowl over simmering water and add the oat bran, a pinch of salt, and olive oil, slowly, until a very sticky ball of dough forms. Keep stirring until the moisture is absorbed and it resembles a ball of dough. Spray a glass bowl with olive oil spray, place the dough in the bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for an hour. The dough will not rise much but it will lose it’s stickiness and become much easier to handle. Place pizza stone in the oven and preheat to 425. Place the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll it out until it’s about a 9-inch circle. Cut the dough into a dozen pieces. Spray both sides with olive oil spray, place the strips on a new piece of parchment paper, and place on the pre-warmed pizza stone. Add freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt on the top. Bake at 425 for 12 minutes, flip them over and bake another 10 minutes or until crispy.

Makes about 12 2×3-inch oat bran crackers.


6 plum tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-2 t balsamic vinegar
10 basil leaves, julienned
salt and pepper
olive oil spray

Combine all the ingredients and give it a decent spray of olive oil spray. Refrigerate for one hour before serving on top of the oat bran crackers.

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The Dukan Diet Plan - Is It Right For You?

Introduction to The Dukan Diet - Is it for you?

A little over 10 years ago, nutritionist Dr. Pierre Dukan released his diet plan in his home French market. The Dukan Diet Plan became a sensation with millions of French people benefiting from a sensible and effective diet system which is really quite unique. Now The Dukan Diet plan is available in English and is experiencing the same level of success around the world.

But how does The Dukan Diet work? What makes it different? More importantly, is The Dukan Diet plan right for you?

On the face of it, The Dukan Diet offers what could be the dieters' ultimate dream. Achieve your ideal weight and stay there permanently while eating as much as you like. Not only that, you will eat good, real, healthy food you will not go hungry, count calories or get bored because of restrictions. This plan gets inside the psychology of the overweight person and is sympathetic to their desires and needs. Being written by a Frenchman, the diet also acknowledges the pleasures of eating and enjoying good food. This could easily be described as the slimmer's holy grail.

So, how does The Dukan Diet Plan work?

Over many years specialising in nutrition and weight management, Pierre Dukan realised that to get to an ideal weight, the body needs to be re-trained. This cannot be achieved by a short, fad diet. This requires a long term strategy which not only gives immediate results (important so people are encouraged and remain motivated) but also ensures that weight loss is permanent and stable.

The Dukan Diet is actually made up of four distinct eating plans. These plans follow on naturally from each other and progressively introducing different foods until, eventually, you are basically eating whatever you like without any restrictions whatsoever and you will maintain your ideal weight. The linchpin of these plans is the periods, or days, which is spent eating nothing but protein foods. Do not jump to the conclusion that this is just a re-hash of the Atkins diet, however. The Dukan Diet plan is very different and much more health orientated.

The first stage is called the Attack Stage. This is designed to surprise the body and create a rapid weight loss over a 5 - 10 day period. During this kick-start phase, you eat nothing but protein foods. Foods with as close to pure protein content as, certain meats, poultry, eggs and non-fat dairy products. During this phase a person can expect to see some rapid weight loss. As much as 3-4 kilos (7 or 8 pounds) can be lost in the course of less than a week.

The next phase of the Dukan Diet Plan is called the Cruise Stage. This phase lasts far longer and is where you will experience a more gradual weight reduction down to your ideal weight. The period of time spent in this phase depends on how much weight you need to lose to get to your ideal weight or your 'True Weight' as Dukan calls it. During this phase, the dieter alternates between days consuming just protein foods and days with proteins and vegetables. Here the variety of foods permitted is very high and you will find that you will not go hungry or get bored. You will continue to lose weight consistently but a little more gradually during this phase.

Once you have reached your ideal or true weight, you then move into the Consolidation Phase. Having lost the weight you wanted to lose, this phase ensures that your body will not rebound and put it all back on again - a common occurrence with many diet plans. You will not lose weight in this phase but you will not gain either. Many carbohydrate foods such as pasta and white bread, as well as cheese, can be re-introduced and they phase prescribes two 'anything goes' celebration meals a week. This phase must last for 5 days for every pound you lost on the previous 2 phases. So if you lost 20 pounds (10 Kilos) then you would stay on this plan for 100 days. Simple. This properly consolidates your weight loss and establishes your new weight as your normal default weight.

Now the best part of all...

Once you have completed the consolidation phase you are free to enter the final stability phase. Basically eat what you like but follow some simple rules. One is that on one day each week you eat just protein foods just as you did in the attack phase. Just one day each week. Second, you must eat some oat bran each day. Third, you must do some walking each day and never again use an elevator and finally, drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. That's it.

Whether this diet is good for you is really up to you. You may have been on unsuccessful diets before which have some of the same elements of The Dukan Diet Plan but it is the combination of the phases which really make a difference.

It is, in my opinion, one of the easiest looking diets to stick with because you can eat as much as you like, the food is healthy food - no reliance on eating loads of fats - and the result are permanent. Go for it and never have to go on a miserable diet again!

Visit our site and learn more about The Dukan Diet Plan, get the original book and a recipe book at discount rates, and view a real-life blog of a dieter on The Dukan Diet. Visit the site by clicking the highlighted text here: Dukan Diet Plan and take the first step to easy, permanent weight loss.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Does The Dukan Diet Actually Work?

Are you looking for a weight loss solution that is easy to stick to? Do you want a diet that is easy to follow? How about a new eating plan than means you lose weight quickly and easily? If you answered 'yes' to all of these questions then the Dukan diet is for you.

Dr. Pierre Dukan created his diet plan over thirty years ago in Paris, France. Since then millions of people have successfully, and easily, lost weight following his advice. Early last year, in 2010, the Dukan diet official book was translated into English and quickly became the latest, most fashionable, diet to follow. But does it work?

When I first started, the only resources available were in French and I had to guess at most of the details. More information became available when the book was translated into English but I still had to take the author's word for it. He claimed that millions of people across the world had successfully lost weight on the Dukan diet but I didn't know any of them to find out if it was really true. The best way to find out for sure was to attempt the diet myself to see if it was as good as I'd heard.

The Dukan diet was the easiest diet I had ever attempted in my life. First of all, I could eat unlimited quantities of food. Which meant, of course, that I was never hungry and wasn't spending all day waiting until I could eat again. The weight came off fast. After two weeks on the diet people were complementing me on my weight loss and I was putting on old shirts I had previously put away for being too tight. It was like getting a whole new wardrobe of clothes.

Soon I was recommending the Dukan diet to others. This included friends and family who wanted to lose weight but also people I met only briefly, such as coffee shop baristas, who commented on my daily weight loss.

I was also sharing my weight loss experiences online. On my blog as well as on diet forums. What became clear was that hundreds of others were seeing the same fantastic results I was. Now if you want to lose weight fast and easily, you can do so with the support of thousands of others, all sharing their stories, tips and support, online. If you want to lose weight quickly and easily, what are you waiting for?

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.