Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dukan Diet Recipes - Information and a Basic Plan

What is the secret of the French that keeps them so slim? I, like many others, thought it was because of their love for coffee and tobacco. Mr Pierre Dukan had other ideas.

Below is an outline of the Dukan Diet - hailed by many as a guaranteed way to lose weight.

[1.] Attack Phase

Eat lots of low-fat protein and take in lots of water.

Dukan Diet Recipes might include low-fat cuts of beef, turkey (a very lean meat), skinless chicken breasts, zero-fat yogurts and cottage cheese. Season with zero calorie spices and condiments. Also, remember to take in 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day (fibre is important).

In short: Protein Protein Protein! I am sure you will lose weight immediately due to the low-carb and reduced water retention - you'll appear less puffy.

[2.] Cruise Phase

Continue exercising and consuming the oatbran and large quantities of water/green-tea.

Alternate between days that are pure protein and days that are pure protein and vegetables. Now, listen to the important part - your Dukan Diet recipes and meal plans must adhere to the following protocol:

- NO carby vegetables such as corn, potatoes and carrots.

- GREEN is GREAT- lots of salad, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, onions and mushrooms.

- I advise steaming as it can potentiate the good parts of some of the vegetables (particularly broccoli), and prevent nutrient and vitamin leaching.

- Continue for as long as you see fit.

[3.] Consolidation Phase

Start this phase once you've reached your target weight. This phase is about maintaining the weight.

You can incorporate some fruit, cheese and bread, as well as one 'cheat meal' per week. Your recipes and menus should be as follows:

- Lots of protein and vegetables

- One portion of fruit each day

- Two slices of whole-grain bread (with very small amounts of low-fat butter)

- Only one portion of carbs (rice/pasta/potato) per week

- 'Cheat Meal' - whatever the hell you want! Though if you are losing weight consistently, you may want to continue being virtuous and skip the cheat meal.

[4.] Future Phase

Continue to eat recipes and meals from the 'Consolidation Phase' except for on Thursdays when you eat nothing but protein.

As you can see it is quite simple to follow - without a doubt the hardest part is incorporating variety and excitement into your dishes without pushing up the fat/calorie quantity significantly. However, it is doable, and once you've shed your predetermined quantity of weight, the whole process becomes a lot more relaxed.

Go here to get the latest information on the Dukan Diet, recipes, meal plans, before and after pictures and book reviews:

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