Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dukan Diet Difference

What is the Dukan Diet?

The Dukan Diet is a 4-phase diet (mini-diets) created by Dr. Pierre Dukan called the Attack, Cruise, Consolidate, and Stabilize phases.

The idea behind the Dukan Diet is to get you results as quick as possible so you look good, feel healthy, and stick with your new way of life. Dr Dukan says that for those of us struggling with weight loss, the worst thing we can do is eat a diet balanced by 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 20% proteins. Dukan describes this potent, fat-building creation as similar to mother's milk.

According to Dukan, the way to slim down is not balancing your diet. He believes the body gains weight best on a balanced diet and does not reach lighting fast weight loss until foods are restricted to just one food group.

This could be bad news for hard core dieters who love all diet foods, but for meat lovers, this could be the message they've been waiting for.

The Dukan Diet is drastically different than other diet plans in that it provides a complete plan to go from losing weight lightning fast to eating normal foods again. Most diets provide a consistent plan for weight loss but nothing to help dieters once they need to maintain the weight loss.

Currently, thanks to step-by-step action plans broken in to four phases, the Dukan diet is thought to be the world's most popular easy diet plan.

Steps 1 - 4 Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet works by making your body work harder to digest food in the phase 1 so you burn a lot of fat, cellulite, and unsightly weight quick, and then move into more diverse phases. Phase 1 is 5 days of eating lean protein only.

Phase two begins on the sixth day and you begin eating all "approved foods" alternating with 'lean protein' only days to continue to burn weight at previously unthought of levels. Your quick start guide includes the 100 approved foods to eat as part of your Dukan Diet Menu

Phase three begins when you hit your target weight and you begin to eat all foods in moderation. However, this is not a free for all but a portioned controlled time where you continue to eat healthy and slowly add back in new foods.

Phase four is stabilization where you eat whatever you want and one day a week go back to eating only lean meats.

The most attractive parts of the diets according to users are the fast results, ability to eat unlimited amounts of lean protein, having an exact plan to follow, and being able to return to normal eating and still maintain weight loss results.

The downsides of the diet are exactly what others view as the upsides: having to eat more protein, needing to follow a step-by step plan, and not always having the right foods available.

Samantha Caldwell helps you lose weight without all the bullspit. Get started losing weight fast with instant access to her Dukan Diet Quick Start Guide at http://dukan-diet-review.blogspot.com/, which includes Dukan Diet Recipes, Successes, Foods, Summaries, and Reviews in as a step by step quick start guide so you can start losing weight today.

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