Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dukan dieta - rychlé zhubnutí

If you need to lose weight, why choose the Dukan diet? Also known as Dukan regime proteine diet or diet Dukan method Dukan-is super popular new French fare, including a heavy regime of protein with a long-term rational method for maintaining weight loss.

The number one reason to choose the Dukan diet is ' mincir ' as they say in French, lose weight or lose weight. If you want to get rid of the pounds and get to the closest and the most weight on the Dukan diet is all-inclusive diet, which allows the food tasty real food and still lose weight fast and keep it.

This method was created by French physician Pierre Dukan. Advise the patient, who was also a friend to eat only lean proteins and drink water when a friend asked the Council to lose weight fast. Although he had no background in nutrition, the results have been very successful. Pierre Dukan at that moment he began to be interested in nutrition and weight loss and continue to help people lose weight or mincir for decades. Thirty years of experience helping people in France, lose weight and get slim and now his method is gaining huge popularity in the U.K. now is the time to the United States, this French diet secret that has been kept secret for too long.

Dukan method works in four different stages-in the attack phase, the phase of the voyage, consolidation and stabilization phase.

In the stage of attack of the strict protein diet. Unlike diet Atkin heavy fats, butter and cream should be avoided. In the stage of the attack only to eat. lean meat, fish, shrimp, chicken, lobster, lean ham and lean beef. You can have the spices to season thinking generously, as well as sweeteners-fructose.

High fat proteins and dairy products are not allowed in the attack phase. Eggs are fine, but if cholesterol is for you, limit egg yolks, phase of the attack.

Egg whites are a great source of lean protein and should like to stage attack dukan regime and in its diet. Lost most of the weight in the phase of the attack.

During the phase of the Dukan diet Cruise you can add to a long list of Dukan approved vegetables on alternate days. You back and forth between the day of protein, protein and vegetables a day and so on. Remain in this stage until you shed pounds to the weight of their objectives.

The consolidation phase is an important phase. How long that will remain in the consolidation phase is based on how many kilos lost during the attack and cruise phases. That's a healthy way to lose weight and keep the as Pierre Dukan noticed that most of his patients, who already was struggling with this season after losing it and trying to maintain. Consolidation phase allows you to add to foods you love to eat according to the instructions of the Dukan diet Menu. The aim is to maintain a slender body for life.

In the stage of stabilization of Dr. Dukan instruction to eat, how to, hopefully, restraint, however, six days a week. On the seventh day you have to go back to your diet to stage an attack. For one day each week, only consume lean protein, such as in the first phase of the diet. Remember, you will have learned a lot of great recipes Dukan diet, so that the tasty and delicious protein recipes so hopefully it won't be so bad.

All for carton imitation meals when dieting. Enjoy excellent food with a menu Dukan diet.

Dr. Dukan is the need for weight loss trick tips for Suppression of appetite, Dukan diet, recipes and more-visit----> Pierre Dukan diet

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