Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is The Dukan Diet Just Another Fad Diet? Prepare For A Surprise

The Dukan diet is becoming more well known in the English speaking countries and coverage of this new diet is increasing. Many of the authors of new articles on the Dukan diet have criticized the plan as yet another new fad diet to arrive on the weight loss scene. But is this fair? Is it accurate to label the Dukan diet as a fad diet?

First of all, it is inaccurate to call the diet new. It may be new to English speaking audiences but it has been popular and seen great success in France for many years now. Secondly, the high protein and low carbohydrate principle behind the program is not new either. The Atkins diet is a well known low carbohydrate weight loss plan but the idea that reducing carbohydrates helps you lose weight is as old as the first weight loss programs.

Another inaccuracy in the reporting on the Dukan diet is the lumping of the program into the category of 'fad diets' and then criticizing these diets in general. It is not a starvation diet, no fasting or calorie counting is involved at any stage. Including this diet into criticism of starvation regimes is simply a category error (and shows that the author probably doesn't know what the process involves).

Some people have made criticisms about food being excluded and made the assumption that this weight loss regime is therefore unbalanced. It excludes high fat, high salt, and high sugar foods, and insists on moderation when it comes to carbohydrates, which is what healthy eating is all about. Claiming that the diet is unhealthy because of these reductions is akin to claiming that eating in moderation and avoiding junk food is unhealthy.

A final criticism is that the diet is trying to replace exercise as a weight loss method. This is the opposite of what the Dukan diet is all about! The book insists that people following the diet take regular daily exercise as part of their weight loss regime. Weight loss, no matter what program you are on, is always all about burning off more calories than you consume. The Dukan diet just makes this process easier.

So if you want to see fast weight loss results, with little or no hunger, but have been put off attempting the this diet because of accusations that it is a 'fad diet' please consider the points mentioned above before rejecting this diet solution out of hand and missing out on a great weight loss opportunity.

Start the change now. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from day one of the attack phase until the end. I have included all my recipes and menu ideas as well as top tips in getting the most out of your Dukan diet experience. If you're ready to lose weight fast without hunger click Dukan diet to begin your journey.

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