Friday, March 9, 2012

Benefits of the Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet was developed by Pierre Dukan of France. It is a diet focusing on going back to our roots, the primitive caveman way of eating: meat and vegetables. Mainly meat, as protein is the focus of this diet.

The Dukan Diet has four phases: the attack, the cruise, consolidation, and stabilization. This diet is meant to be a lifelong adventure, and it gets easier over time. Since you are only eating meats and vegetables, you are avoiding processed foods - which can be very fattening. That is the main purpose of this diet.

Phase one may seem hard, but the benefits are seen quickly. During the attack phase you can only eat proteins. This includes meat, fish, eggs, etc. Usually this phase lasts around ten days, and is where the majority of the weight is lost.

After that initial attack is the cruise phase. Every other day you can eat vegetables as well. This still means you're mainly on protein, but you're getting the vitamins from vegetables - which helps with weight control.

The consolidation phase is critical to the diet. It allows you to eat whatever you want, but remember - it has to be healthy. If you stick to mainly to unprocessed foods your weight will stay off and you'll feel healthier. Also, during this phase you are allowed two free-for-all meals a week, where you can eat whatever you like.

The last phase tunes down the focus on protein and is the longest lasting phase of them all - the rest of your life. It requires that you have one day a week that you only eat protein, the rest of the days you simply eat healthy meals comprised of other foods (which can still include proteins of course). The Dukan Diet requires no pills, and really no long, harsh, dramatic change from your normal eating habits. The strongest phases don't last very long, and it doesn't require you to deprive yourself - you can eat as much as you want, as long as you focus on protein. The Dukan Diet is a reach back to the simple times where food was all real, and all healthy.

For more interesting & useful information on this subject go to

S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues

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