Friday, March 9, 2012

Dukan Diet

Losing weight is most always difficult. A person must be extremely dedicated to a diet and be sure to choose one that he or she can follow to be successful.

Created by Pierre Dukan, the Dukan Diet began in France and is known as The French Diet. However it is slowly becoming more common in other countries. Famous people such as Jennifer Lopez and Gisele Bundchen have had success with this diet. The Dukin Diet is a high protein diet that might not be for everyone.

The Dukan Diet works in four phases. The first phase of the diet requires the dieter to eat only protein for several days. Most common sources of protein are found in meats such as chicken, beef, seafood, fish, and veal. Dairy products and eggs also provide protein. This is called the Attack Phase and lasts from one to ten days depending on the weight loss desired.

This diet is not the best program for Vegetarians and Vegans because of the high protein content. Vegetarians don't have a lot of resources for protein because they rely on dairy products and eggs for their protein. They can use Tofu if it is not meat based. This makes meal variations limited which makes it harder to succeed. Because they can't even eat dairy or eggs this diet is pretty much out for vegans.

Phase two is the Cruise Phase. Vegetables can be added to this phase every other day. One day is all protein and the next day is protein and vegetables. This phase is easier, but still a challenge. Once all excess weight is lost, it's time to move on to the next phase.

The most important phase is the third known as Consolidation Phase. When the dieter begins eating normally again but does not gain weight. With this phase bread, fruit, and pasta can be added to the diet. Also two meals per week can be anything the dieter likes as long as it is practical.

The final phase helps to stabilize a person's eating habits. Hence the name of the phase, the Stabilization Phase. This is the phase that becomes a person's lifetime eating habits. The dieter eats one day of only protein per week and the rest of the week the dieter can eat more freely, within reason.

The first and second phase of this diet are the hardest to follow. If a person can get past part of the diet and is dedicated he or she can achieve success.

For more interesting & useful information on this subject go to

S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues

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