Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Four excellent diet for weight loss

If you want to lose weight a bit, but I don't know where to start is the best solution for your diet plan. This will help you to establish an appropriate procedure to follow in the loss of all these unwanted fats and calories. There are many diets to lose weight, the promised, but if you want to start now, there are four of them, which are really effective.

South Beach Diet is the first diet and one that is becoming very popular nowadays. This diet plan is a very simple objective: to bad fats and carbohydrates bad. It is supplied in three stages. The first phase focuses on the Elimination of sexual desires and reach the definitive starting point for weight loss. It takes just two weeks ago, when you only eat food rich in nutrients and fibrous, like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and foods rich in healthy unsaturated fats. After the first phase, the second phase is created to maintain long-term weight loss. The same food eaten with the addition of whole wheat breads and the cultivation of fruit, whole wheat pasta and you may enjoy the occasional sweets from dark chocolate, fruit and herbs. The third phase is for lifelong maintenance, where you can enjoy almost anything you might want to eat, taking the first and second phase always in mind.

Atkins diet is also popular, and it's now known fashionable diets. It consists of four phases, and the food is very strict on the intake of carbohydrates. In fact, in the first phase of the limits of the individual to God more than 20 grams per day for two weeks. The next phase is not as restrictive and are more focused on enabling the reception of good carbohydrates as food whole wheat and cereals. This, together with the high intake of proteins, fruits and vegetables, it is known that effectively eliminate fat and calories, thus promoting weight loss.

The alternate day diet (add) is less restrictive diet, which is becoming very popular. Even Hollywood stars are using it to lose weight. The concept of this diet is that when you eat foods with a high content of carbohydrates for the day, and the next day hardly eat, the decline in the level of carbohydrates in the body of SIRT1 or "skinny genes" to promote weight loss. Add has no stage, just everything what can be adequately for one day (day) to eat and eat less than 500 calories the next day (the day). This alternating schedule as you want. Just make sure that when you eat on the days you don't eat like you're on the death penalty. Reasonable and don't forget to keep things healthy and on the days.

Dukan diet is designed like other diets-low carbohydrate, protein, and lots of fruit and vegetables. In the first phase limited any form of food than protein from lean meat, fish, and non-fat dairy products. It takes a week. The next phase introduces the vegetables into the diet, which is to eat each day to reach a goal weight. When you get to the desired weight, you can now add carbohydrates in your diet, but with restrictions. Then what were you able to maintain weight through this phase, you enter the last phase, where it is permitted to eat the foods you like in six days, but they are required to maintain the one day of the week as the day of all proteins. The day is fine, if not to eat anything other than proteins for this day each week, how to maintain the diet.

These four diets are very popular and are very effective. If you have made a selection of these four diets, you can start it right now so you can lose weight as soon as possible.

Jacob Akshire is an expert in solutions weight loss, but also loves learning about many other topics. His most recent interest is in the Larson storm door. Learn more about the benefits of Larson storm doors.

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