Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to lose weight forever - regime Dukan - do the Dukan

Dukan diet has diminish France's best-kept secret have been, but the word is finally out and people of all over the world enjoy the revolutionary success, gained after and strict adherence to makes this protein diet plan diet only once a week.

The Dukan diet (regime Dukan) you can stay permanently slim, while you eat as for six days a week, but need to eat nothing but protein for the remaining one day of the week for the rest of your life. The regime is built around a four steps diet plan that contains protein as the key element that brings about this sustainable and stabilized weight loss strategy.

The four steps are listed in progressive order:

1. ATTACK: This is the first step and is a lightning strike kick-start the weight loss process. First, you have to decide how much weight you want to lose, this will determine how long you stay on the attack phase. For example, less than 10 lb, stay in the attack phase for a day; To lose 20-40 pounds, to stay for 5 days. Etc, etc.. During the attack phase, you are not entitled any fatty foods such as pork, lamb, goose and duck meal. However are allowed to eat as much as you the foods that are allowed. Approved food are boiled or poached eggs, omelets without oil or butter. Not more than four egg yolks per week. Not limited to protein. Roast beef, steaks and fillets. Smoked salmon, all clams and crab sticks. Chicken, thin sliced ham, veal chops. Fat yoghurts, fromage frais and free Quark.

2. CRUISE: You should ideally to your target weight at this stage get to the bottom. The cruise consists of two alternating diet; only pure protein a day, and vegetables, as well as pure protein the next, and repeated in the Woche(n). Expected to be about to lose 20 lb in two months. "Each cycle of the alternating diet works one like injection combustion of two speed engine, burns calories quota", says Dr. Dukan. Every day you can eat in unlimited quantities and at any time of the day approved food allowed during this phase. Food approved are all attack phase protein food and vegetables such as broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, leek, asparagus, Zucchini, peppers, etc, etc.. Vegetables banned starchy contain anything such as potatoes, corns, lentils, beans and peas

3. Consolidation: This is the phase when diet are much more prone to lapse in weight rebound once they their desired (target) weight reach. The Dukan will diet (regime Dukan) you through this stage by strengthening everything, what you learned in the last two phases. "You will only sell new weight if you the time to check them" says Dr. Dukan. "You have peace with your body, just waiting for the opportunity to fill up its fat stores is". Dieters must remain strictly on the consolidation phase in prescribed time. This is set for each pound lost to five days. In addition to the approved food there is also a celebration meal at this stage integrated. The foods include unlimited attack and cruise proteins and vegetables, two servings per week, starchy foods a serving of fruit per day, slender legs of lamb, etc.. Meals are the consolidation phase celebration once a week during the first half, and allows up to two meals a week in the second half. The celebration meals you can eat everything a glass of wine, which as a starter, a main dish and a dessert. These should be all in reasonable quantities.

4. Stabilisation: Now you have reached your desired weight and were consolidated and peace with your body made, you can return to a normal lifestyle where can you eat what you want, unless you follow four simple rules:

i. you agree, nothing but pure protein food for one day a week for the rest of your life

II. use stairs instead of elevators and escalators, and go for 20 minutes a day.

III. use the consolidating food as your safety net, you can use when you start weight again.

IV. take three tablespoons of oat bran a day for life.

Keep in mind that is dependent on your success on the Dukan strictly exercising diet according to the established rules, eat approved food, regularly, and use your common sense. If a food a currency not on the list, it is not allowed. Be disciplined and not get lost.

For more information about the Dukan diet and weight loss, please visit:

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