Sunday, January 22, 2012

New French diet and why the French remain, skinny

If you've ever wondered, how the French so thin, check this article out stay.

Croissants, smoking, wine, chocolate - that things are always connected with the French. Buttery rich food and yet they have not the obesity problems, the United States. What is the French diet secret?

It sets out a few ideas that I suggest why the French remain thin while their American counterparts as a whole, thicker and less keep healthy.

First, and perhaps most of the American public is the food to the Americans to provide control. If you ever the film, "Food, Inc. have seen" you know that the food system in the United States is incorrect. Chickens and cows well and pumped with hormones and food, which they simply are naturally inclined food so can the food industry to produce more food and faster.

Larger chickens with larger breasts and cows with the highest fat content in the shortest amount of time, the goal is.  This higher fat diet and hormone-laden food help not the waist. In the United States manufactured foods is usually not organic, is full of chemicals, plastics, pesticides, hormones and other things, that make people fat and are not properly digested by the human body.

In France and in most countries around the world who have not this problem. Most food is grown organic and natural, and not filled with hormones, pesticides, and synthetic or GM ingredients added. The absence of these ingredients will help, the French stay thin.

Secondly, the portion control is to examine something. Although French croissants and wine and cheese, and chocolate - eating they eat not the amount or the size of the part using the American in General. The difference in size between a croissant in France and a grocery store or baking in the United States is quite different. The French are well known to avoid snacking, but thoroughly enjoy their food during meals. They are not on a diet, eat well, their meals just enough quality, and do not eat fake bars and empty calories throughout the day. This diet along with little physical activity alone can be great for health and physique.

However, not all French are naturally inclined to small portions of food and many not wake up, thin and stay thin for life. Catch up with age, or numerous French want something else - to lose weight. The best manicured French diet secret was developed by the French physician Pierre Dukan three decades ago.

Dukan diet is best known as a sensation in France for years. With millions of people successfully weight to lose and keep them with the Dukan diet it has finally stir in the United Kingdom and begins also in popularity in the United States to win. Dr. Dukan has a diet that will help you lose weight quickly and eating delicious real food and perhaps most importantly, he has the plan comprehensive so dieters can keep the weight with a lifelong plan. French noticeably, Pierre Dukan, that enjoy food or key was he really delicious food has captured, which is healthy and pleasant in his method.

Tried in summary, organic food, local food and avoid processed a way fake food, more like the French. Another way to a French diet is part of control and not all day snacks. Finally, when you try to lose some weight, you diet sensation from France, the Dukan diet for a popular way of weight to lose and they hold.

Please visit for more information on the Dukan diet, recipes, and Dr. Dukan secret ingredient for weight loss my blog---> Dr. Dukan diet

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