Saturday, January 7, 2012

The psychology of the Dukan diet - when you're fat and unhappy, you read this article

The success of the Dukan diet is written into the plan on the sharp focus on human psychology and the mentality of the Dieter. Instead of just a few low-calorie food suggested Dr. Dukan has viewed what is life like for the individual being overweight and created a plan that meets their needs exactly.

It makes sense that the people of various weights and body dimensions require different diets. Sure it is well known that anyone who burns more calories than they save weight lose, but if you tried to lose weight, know that it is not so simple in reality. The difference is one of psychology. (You need only a person who is only a few pounds overweight with someone several stones or compare kilo, depending on what you prefer, to weight in measuring) too heavy and immediately see the difference.

How many fat authority figures we see in our societies? The only films in which the hero is overweight, are comedies and even how many star in comedies overweight women? If you see the messages, are the newsreaders thin or thick or form? We all know the answer. If someone in the media be taken seriously, they may be not bold. Whether it is that we take seriously not overweight people and therefore authority in the media are thin, or, that authority in the media are thin and thus we fat people do not take seriously, I don't know. The fact is that, a less respect takes two people equal talent and personality and overweight passed.

Overweight is regarded as a problem. For most people, that are difficult, it is a problem that they want to get rid. Thin people are never asked, why they are not fat but overweight often asked people, whether she would like ever or ever the pounds have tried to (which means, they are an error), lose. We know that food can comfortable and offering comfort. After all entire food groups are called 'Comfort Food' and we've all heard "Comfort food". The implication is that fats more comforting need people that eat others and more. As we have already seen, eating, overweight, people with less respect than their skinny counterparts and this alone on the factors will contribute to comfort led be treated as.

Psychologically, it is much more difficult for an overweight person who only try a diet than it is for a person, a few pounds overweight. It is also more difficult for a previously thickness person to hold the weight when they it, lost as someone else, to maintain their current weight. If you had this doubt easy to lose not the experience of being overweight and the pounds. Something that is very striking, this person is, how different they are treated by foreign, if they are fat and if they are thin. You understand the fear and fear the weight back on and go back to the bad old days.

It is for this reason that the Dukan diet actually is four diet. You pass through a diet and to the next, how to lose weight and change your requirements. The first diet is the attack phase of fast weight loss, so you quickly can do something that others notice. It is a hard days as your body on the new menu acclimatised but it is just a few days. During this time you will be hungry to less food and less often find feeling fancy. The second diet relaxed is add more food while you continue to lose weight without feeling hungry. This level is known as the cruise phase. The third diet is all about introducing treated and what as celebration meals back are known in your diet. Celebration meals are meals basically consisting of everything that you want to eat. The final nutrition concerns keep the weight way for the rest of your life.

I think weight loss is not better, more well thought out and effective solution available today as the Dukan diet.

Now start the change. You can follow my progress on the Dukan diet from the first day of the attack phase until the end. I have all my recipes and menu ideas and tips and tricks in getting the most out of your Dukan experience diet. When you are ready to lose weight quickly, without hunger click Dukan diet starting your journey.

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